Thank you for answering and sorry for the bad format. Difficult to format it on cell phone
@Tjc Are you suggesting that because the forum is opposed to putting minors in a CB against their will that it should also be against parents putting older offspring in a belt?
A lot of people in this forum think that for parent to put their offspring in chastity is a good idea. I strongly disagree, and my opinion is that belting from parents is deadly wrong. I expected my idea to be strongly opposed.
Tjc think that is not longer a legal issue of possible child abuse
Correct. I say that it's wrong, not that it is illegal
Tjc Does it make a difference to you if the older child does not live at home? Does it make a difference if they are not economically dependent? How much pressure can parents put on an over 18 child to wear a be
Make difference if he live at home? . The more a person is independent, the more he can't be pressured. Someone living away and economically independent will be very hard to convince, so if he/she accepts, its probably from his/her own will
Does it make a difference if they are not economically dependent. Yes. A lot. Purse string can be a very powerful mean to convince someone, so definitely it makes difference
How much pressure can parents put on an over 18 child to wear a be. None. There should be no pressure at all. Unless some very specific situations where the son or daughter asks for it, a parent should never ask sons or daughter to wear a chastity belt.
I added 12 points on which my opinion is based. There are many more, but I try to stick with this because they are pretty straightforward.