- Edited
Hi, I've decided to write a thread instead of repeating the same concepts again and again.
This writing applies only to situations in which parents demand/enforce/convince offspring to wear a belt or cage.
This post excludes:
- independent adults
- Couples, married or not.
- Everyone who is his or her keyholder
- Fetish and BDSM users
- People explicitly asking for it
- People completely willing
This post includes:
- Young adults still dependent economically and/or emotionally from parents
- Adults that for any reasons are dependent from parents, unless initiative cames from beltee.
- Minors (of course)
This applies to all genders. I can miss the correct gender pronouns, but it applies to both sons and daughters
IMPORTANT. I will gladly discuss them and I'm ready to change my position or view if I think that I'm wrong, but please provide sound arguments.
1) Getting emotional independence from parents. Opposing, even in strong ways, parents, is a necessary passage in becoming independent adults. It is of course very difficult to oppose someone who takes genitals hostage. This leads to an attachment that by itself is not healthy. And since they need to ask for very simple activities to be unbelted, this leads to more and more attachment to the keyholder.
2) Losing control of part of own body. As already explained, it's a basic instinct in mammals to get access to your own body, because it has been useful for survival. This is why dogs get mad with elisabethan collar, or human suffers when put in a cast.
3) moral violence. It's very difficult to believe that when a parent asks something the consent is freely given. I also see that somewhere around the world this is done under the menace of kicking out from home. This is not free. It is violence and I'm pretty sure that in almost any part of the world, parents can be sued for this.
4) Preventing masturbation[1]. I will share on request various studies on the fact that masturbation is not only pleasurable and harmless, but beneficial, and losing the possibility can lead to anxiety and depression. It's also a way to know the body. If you think that preventing young adult masturbation is a good thing, please provide arguments that are not "because it's wrong", or at least justify it.
5) Prevents making experiences. Becoming an adult is a process involving making errors and mistakes, and dealing with consequences. While some mistakes can have very long-term effects (like pregnancy), other ways prevent it. With a belt, it's impossible to get intimacy, and thus impossible to grow emotionally, because it's physically prevented from doing so.
6) Parents involved in offspring sexuality. It's unhealthy that an adult offspring has to ask permission from her parents to have a sexual life. I think that it's about common sense, but will provide scientific proof if needed
7) Logistic issues: with a belt a lot of activities normally tied to being young, like traveling, going to the beach, to the communal pool, etc, are prevented. It needs to be cleaned, needs maintenance, lot of problems that can be solved just by avoiding using it.
8) Bad parenting: Youth should be a time of life where one discover the world, and his place in it. Parents should help the young in this discovery, not close them away from it. I strongly think that no mindful parent chooses to belt his/her offspring for their good but for selfish ease of mind, if not worse. This is a personal view that can't be proven, but still, it's here.
9) Interfering in life choice: the presence of a belt interferes with life choice: getting married early to get out of the belt, staying at home instead of getting out, etc
10) Secrecy: It's very difficult to keep a belt a secret, and people, friends, etc outside the inner circle will probably freak out, or at least think it's very very weird. Staying in the belt is socially unacceptable in most Western countries
11) Accessories: Being in a chastity belt opens to the possibility of even more restrictions, like tight bands, and chastity bras that normally will be laughed at, and can make things even worse and more difficult to endure.
12) Suffering: On a personal view, being in a chastity belt prevents having a positive view of sexuality, and if you read through the forum there is a lot of suffering, tears shed, fighting, bad time, etc. All of this can be avoided by not using it.
[Edit. Additional points added]
13) heightened libido. A chastity belt block the physical part but the frustration increases the emotional needs, so that once out it is very difficult to stay focused and to avoid bad experience
14) covert invest. I will not explain this.
15) invasion of private sphere. We have all a very private area that is both physical (our intimacy) than mental (our privacy). The keyholder can easily, and often do, invade both.
[End of editing]
[EDIT: 12/10/23]
16) vulnerability to abuse
As we can see from Carlos's story:
Normalizing infringements on bodily autonomy makes the victim vulnerable to future abusive relationships. A person raised to not be in charge of their own body may find it more difficult than most to resist an abusive partner.
[End of edit 12/10/2024]
[EDIT: 20/10/23]
17) Crime that could lead to prison
Based on a suggestion from @Sasha (thank you!). A very angry daughter can report her parent because in USA forcefully imposing a chastity belt is a sexual assault and counts as such, including bad treatment in jail. Finding proof is not difficult at all (going belted to the police will be enough)
[End of edit 20/10/2024]
[EDIT: 23/10/23]
18) Social awkwardness: Wearing a chastity belt will heavily impact on dating due to weirdness involved, the need for secrecy, fear to be discovered and judged, will reduce the sociality and will make harder learning how to manage social situations
[End of edit 23/10/2024]
That's all for now. Others can eventually come.
[1] As per @Avery suggestion: In case of male excessive masturbation, where it is pathological and negatively impacts life and on the son's request, parents could perform the role of keyholders. I still think it's a bad idea, and much better to get specialized help (in health issues I always prefer to go to professionals instead of relying on do-it-yourself (no pun intended) solutions), but I think it's still better than losing life to masturbation.