Angelina I have a son and a daughter. Of course, I can only speak of myself and the relationship with my children. But at least in my circle of friends, all parents think the same way (and my parents, who unfortunately have died for a while, told me exactly that later). Parents love their children and hope that this love will be returned. They also often think about how children will think about their parents later when they are adults. In addition, no one wants to be alone in old age and without contact with the children.
And this is where I would start. If there is no argument and everything is fine, I would ask without warning; "What do you think our relationship will be like in 10 years, like when you are old?" At the momement he can blackmail you, and force you to wear what you hate, but at the latest when you are 18 years old, that will change. No matter what happens then, nobody can send you to a children's home or foster parents. You have to know yourself how to use this lever. If he slowly realizes that he is losing you and you, as an adult, do not forget what he did, it should slowly arrive in his head. Believe me, the biggest fear of "normal parents" is losing contact with the children. What you do in the future is up to you. What matters is what he BELIEVES, what you do. It must also be clear that you have evidence of everything. Your strongest sword is the (believed) future. Put yourself in the position of a mother. What would be your biggest concern? I hopee you understand, what I want to say. How you bring this in his mind is your task (I don't know your father and, believe me, it's better for him).