I don't think so.I know I would have less troubles to accept it if I've some releases.And it seems it is the case for other wearers too,based on their experiences like @catherine98(which have releases every other Sunday),or @Amira(who have tried some time with no openings).
However,I agree it should be willingly,of course.
Yes.Not sure it is needed,however,but the student years(at university or similar)are generally the most sexually active years.
Angelina probably, but how big the difference is varies 😉
Angelina this could perhaps be prevented by planning the openings of the belt beforehand
I think it can be better to plan the openings,in this situation(or use "tokens" given at a planned time,but the wearer can decide when to use these).
It can be used this way too if the purpose is to only protect her virginity or avoid unwanted pregnancy and some STD.