Yes... But....
It is necessary a balance between the living discussion, that is good and expontaneous and the necessary order.
This is a forum, not a chat of wassap, so we have to be conscious that tomorrow, will arrive new people that have to have a system to find things.
If we do not use a method, the visitors, will be lost, and in so much chances they will not understand.
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Angelina But it's there already. If you want to see all topics about "relationships and love" click on relationships tag. I try to assign more or less relevant tags
I agree.It is not too hard for us,but for a newcomer,it can be harder to find where to post.
And I think you do a great job at it;thank you for managing it.
Maybe it should be emphasized for newcomers,like a popup or similar.Personally,I rarely used tags this way on boards(even if it is not a bad system),so I'm not sure everyone would think to use it.
In the boards I read,there is often a main page,leading to different sub-forums,each one containing the topics related to it,without using tags.
So,newcomers may not be used to tags.
Anyway,here,there is all topics on the same page,which can be useful.With categories,there is a risk some people read only a couple of them,and so,not know nor answer the topics in other sub-forums.It is more easy to have a look at all the active subjects here.