
It's the reason there is several topics split!😉

But it can often lead to interesting discussions.


    There is still a lot of threads with recent posts not very related to the title! 😉

    Splitting make more threads to read,sure,but make the content more clear.

      Vanessa There is still a lot of threads with recent posts not very related to the title!

      Sorry, I didn't have enough time to sort it out. Will do in the next few days

        Laura Will do in the next few days

        i'm a little afraid that it could cause quite a mess 🙁

          Angelina i'm a little afraid that it could cause quite a mess

          However I don't see too much, but only this topic


            that's right, here we are very far away from the topic 😂


            It was not a critic.


            I thought there was more,but I generally don't care much if the title of the topic and the talks are related,more if the discussion is interesting.

              Vanessa but I generally don't care much if the title of the topic and the talks are related,more if the discussion is interesting.

              exactly, i also find it much more interesting if the discussions are interesting, even if they do not fit the topic 😉

                Angelina exactly, i also find it much more interesting if the discussions are interesting, even if they do not fit the topic 😉

                Same for me.

                Yes... But....
                It is necessary a balance between the living discussion, that is good and expontaneous and the necessary order.
                This is a forum, not a chat of wassap, so we have to be conscious that tomorrow, will arrive new people that have to have a system to find things.
                If we do not use a method, the visitors, will be lost, and in so much chances they will not understand.

                  Ines If we do not use a method, the visitors, will be lost, and in so much chances they will not understand

                  That's why I try to keep topic's content matching to it's name.


                    you're right, but we already have too many issues to really make it work

                    but I have a suggestion that we create skin themes and put our themes in there

                    Name of the main topics

                    1. everything about the cb

                    2. relationships and love

                    3. education and behaviour of our parents

                    4. other

                      Angelina Name of the main topics

                      everything about the cb

                      relationships and love

                      education and behaviour of our parents

                      So, you suggest to split "General" by 3?


                        not necessarily, the topics can also have other names or be divided differently, but maybe a faster search for newcomers can be realized

                          Angelina But it's there already. If you want to see all topics about "relationships and love" click on relationships tag. I try to assign more or less relevant tags