Vanessa I think I have to explain a bit how and why I wear thigh bands. First, we both are catholic. Not as fundamental, as it might sound in this post, but we try to observe the fasting period before Easter, for example. For us, that means, among other things, not having sex. So I don't, my husband once a week on Saturdays when I give him some relief with my mouth. I wear thigh bands then to remember me staying chaste without the slightest chance for arousal. That means wearing them 30 days during the day, but not at night.
Then I wear them when my husband is away for some days. That will be about 22 hours a day. He supervises cleaning and some stretching / gym twice a day. With additional pillows and lots of discomfort sleeping is possible. These times may happen 1-2 periods in a year and mostly for 2-3 days. The longest was thus far when my husband was in a cure for four weeks. But to be honest, I visited him on weekends and then he opened them and during the other days we had extended video calls in the evenings where I was also supervised. I used these hours by packing him a nice masturbator in his luggage and then giving him the hottest programme possible. I remained chaste, of course....So then some 20 hours during the week and some sexy dancing for training.
And finally punishment. But this is not very often and only during the day.
If you would ask my husband, he would very likely want to expand the times wearing thigh bands at least during the day.But I notice longer periods quiet immediately on my fitness tracker. My main sport is to walk a lot of distances as quickly as possible. I like to take 15,000 - 20,000 steps a day. And that simply doesn't work with these things. And can a woman stay sexy like that? For years? When she soon reaches 40? Well, he's open to good arguments...