Katie Laura I’ll see what I can and can’t hide. Boy friend goes to the same gym so I don’t think belt coming off is an option. We will see when they re open. Since covid I can’t go anyway. Which sucks. My tread mill has gotten way more use, but there is nothing that relieves stress the way flipping through the air does.
Laura Katie Boy friend goes to the same gym so I don’t think belt coming off is an option. But he is supposed to stay away from you with the belt off 😂
Angelina Katie my gym does not allow skirts or shorts. See last post this was not directed at you, but a general observation 😉 Katie My tread mill has gotten way more use, but there is nothing that relieves stress the way flipping through the air does. maybe you can start your own little gym 😂 Katie Hence why I think she wont let me go to the gym without a belt Maybe your mother would like to go with you 😉
Katie Laura hence Laura But he is supposed to stay away from you with the belt off 😂 Hence why I think she wont let me go to the gym without a belt
Vanessa Laura I agree. To hide the belt,the clothes should not be too short or too tight.A leotard wouldn't hide it well enough. Angelina Maybe your mother would like to go with you 😉 If possible,it could be a solution.
Angelina Vanessa If possible,it could be a solution. it's the same as when i wanted to do sports because of the tighbands, just ask 😉
Vanessa Angelina But it wouldn't work if you ask to be free of the chastity belt for being more at ease to do sports;I think it is easier to get some time without thigh bands than without the chastity belt....
Angelina Vanessa of course but if she (at least during sports) is under the observation of her mother I see a possibility 😉
Vanessa Angelina It would be better than stop doing sports,sure.But I'm not sure her mother would accept she has the belt off during it,even if supervised.
Katie Vanessa we will see. I’m not sure how much longer corona will keep my gym closed anyway. So for a while it won’t matter
Angelina Vanessa But I'm not sure her mother would accept she has the belt off during it,even if supervised. why ? what's gonna happen ?
Vanessa Angelina why ? what's gonna happen ? Probably nothing,but her mother seems to be very against having her chastity belt off if not absolutely needed... Now she's single,she may convince her mother about letting her do gym with her chastity belt off,while she supervises her...
Angelina Vanessa Now she's single,she may convince her mother about letting her do gym with her chastity belt off,while she supervises her... that's exactly what i think, that's why i don't see any reason for it. if @Katie sports means so much to her, the mother should find a way that it's still possible @Katie I have sent another mail