I stumbled across this item on Twitter five or six weeks ago. Unfortunately, the security hole in the software was all that anyone wanted to talk about.
The Bluetooth feature allows for “no touch” (by the key holder) locking and unlocking. I consider this a fairly big deal. In the context of a private university or boarding school, the device would allow for the school authorities to do a “group unlock” of all the young men in a particular gym class, or all the young men who live in a particular dorm section.
I have in the past daydreamed about having a high-tech version of this device:
, made of Kevlar or other similar material, with two oppositely-rotating motors to accomplish the locking and unlocking.
As a footnote, I strongly suspect that Apple would not allow the QIUI app to be distributed in its App Store, if they knew what it was intended to be used for.