Sin No but it's fun to try!

I would still rather give up sex than love.... I do, but I would be of the same opinion if I had to give it up voluntarily.

Sin . And people who don't like sushi shouldn't be forced to eat it.

Thank you, I hate sushi πŸ˜‚

    Angelina I would still rather give up sex than love

    Me too - though I hope I never have to give up either!

      Angelina interesting, the maslow pyramid is no longer considered contemporary by many economists πŸ˜‰

      It is not especially related to economy.But yes,it seems many scientists don't agree with it anymore.

      Angelina and nowhere in the maslow pyramid is sex mentioned πŸ˜‰

      Funny enough,"sex" is rarely mentioned in english pictures of it,while it is almost always written in the french pictures! 🀣

      Look at the bottom of the pyramid in the first picture of the french version( )and notice one the physiological need is "sexualitΓ©"(sexuality).



      Angelina I would still rather give up sex than love.... I do, but I would be of the same opinion if I had to give it up voluntarily.

      Me too.But have both is better.

      Angelina Thank you, I hate sushi πŸ˜‚

      Same for me!πŸ˜‰

        Foxies Me too - though I hope I never have to give up either!

        and i hope to have both soon, i agree πŸ™‚

        Vanessa It is not especially related to economy

        it was one of the first things i learned in economics class at school and it is one of the first things every economics student learns. i only know it from the economic context.

        Vanessa Look at the bottom of the pyramid in the first picture of the french version( )and notice one the physiological need is "sexualitΓ©"(sexuality).

        that's interesting, i would have argued with me about the third level, but i don't agree at all about the first level. πŸ˜‚

          Angelina it was one of the first things i learned in economics class at school and it is one of the first things every economics student learns. i only know it from the economic context.

          Well,even if not the main subject for it,I guess it can be useful to know it in these studies.

          Angelina that's interesting, i would have argued with me about the third level, but i don't agree at all about the first level. πŸ˜‚

          You would put "sexuality" in the third level?

          In my opinion,third level is "relationship",and "one night stand" or masturbation would be in the first level,for example.

            Vanessa Well,even if not the main subject for it,I guess it can be useful to know it in these studies.

            of course, it is basic knowledge in the first semester

            Vanessa You would put "sexuality" in the third level?

            yes, because sex is a social need (my opinion) but nor a essential need

              Angelina yes, because sex is a social need (my opinion) but nor a essential need

              It seems difficult to be sure of it,as it can be different depending on the version of the pyramid,and as some scientists doubt of it...

                Vanessa It seems difficult to be sure of it,as it can be different depending on the version of the pyramid,and as some scientists doubt of it...

                yes of course, that's why i wrote that it's just my opinion. in general i don't think much of this pyramid because every human being would categorise needs differently.


                  Do you still use it in your studies?

                  If yes,what is your teachers' opinion about it?

                    Vanessa Do you still use it in your studies?

                    If yes,what is your teachers' opinion about it?

                    I can only say whether it will be used in my studies after the start πŸ˜‰

                    my teacher used it, but he was also rather old-fashioned, modern economists are critical of it.


                      It would be interesting to know if it is still mainly used,don't hesitate to tell us if it is the case after the start of your studies!πŸ˜‰


                        I will let you know, although there are also old-fashioned and modern professors, so I assume that opinions will be divided there as well.

                          Angelina I will let you know

                          Thank you!πŸ™‚

                          Angelina I assume that opinions will be divided there as well.

                          Possible,but there can be a main one.

                            Vanessa Possible,but there can be a main one.

                            maybe, although a friend of mine is at a university where there are almost only old professors and even among the 60+ professors the opinions are very divided. πŸ˜‚

                              Vanessa On this subject?Or more generally?

                              I don't know exactly, we were just talking about this topic.

                                Vanessa Let's hope your teachers would be more modern!πŸ˜‰

                                I hope so too πŸ™‚ although I would prefer a mixture to recognise the contrasts.