I mean it's not bad if someone enjoys sex. Nore is it bad that to some sex is an important part of their everyday life - but that importance does not base on the fact that you need it, but that you enjoy it. To others it is an important part of their life to go golfing everyday.
What is indeed classified as a need is social interaction because it us proven that complete social isolation causes mental issues. Sure, tgere are some people who lice at abandoned or lonely places like alaska, still they do have some very limited social interaction.
Sex, on the other hand, is no need as a lack of it doesn't cause mental or physical issues. For example take a look at the nuns and monks - some of them never had sex in their life, still they are being helathy. Also, there are people like Eunuchs who also can't experience sex, still they don't suffer illness due to the lack of sex.