Urrgh I lost my previous answers
orca2020 out of curiosity then, your church believes women should have no sexual pleasure at all?
Sorry, i meant before marriage
Laura But you have met her in the school, haven't you?
Yes but it's a small town
Angelina yes, it's a mean thing to cuddle, i still remember it. Camryn could no longer lie comfortably on my belly after a while. π
Yes, it sucks π. How do you do it now? I take you only wear your belt nowadays?
Megan I don't think this thing was ever meant to be worn outside of bed : (
Well, rules are the rules, and I have no say in them
Roland It must be hard if Anna and you are alone. How do you cool yourself down after beeing with Anna?
It's not easy ... It helps to think that my equipment protects me (and I like the restrictions they provide)
Roland Isn't that block piece a little too much. Belt and thigh bands with padlock should give safety enough
It's not about safety per se... I don't like it but I'm willing to sacrifice my own comfort for her
Laura What is block piece?
@Raquel has one. It's basically a solid rod that connects the bands