Thank you all for your advices. yesterday she weared it about an hour and half, i will translate what her mother said: she said that it feels a bit tight but is acceptable for the moment, sitting for long periods worries her, clothes also, skirts seems to be the best way to hide the belt specially the main padlock is quite noticeable on tight clothes, her mother applied some talcum powder on the insides of the belt before fitting she thinks it may help with skin what do you think about it?
Thanks for the info, my wife said that they was a minor pressure mark like when wearing tight clothes but mainly evenly distributed and they went away in short period after the belt was removed, this time she put the waistband in the middle becouse it was on the widest position and it was a bit loose but no major changes. no big pinches yet but still is to early to tell
Thanks for your input, we havent a specific training plan, the idea is that she wears a bit more time slowly so she can get used to it, also se if any proublem appear