Lea It is not easy to wear modest clothes during the summer especialy that one that cover belts.

that's true, but there are also discreet clothes for summer that are not so warm, summer dresses for example.

Max9 Well, we boys have the same problem. We can't just put on a thin dress that allows air to blow up to the belt.

who says you can't wear a dress? ๐Ÿ˜‰
no seriously: unlike us, you can walk around topless, I couldn't do that even without a chastity bra ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Angelina who says you can't wear a dress?

    A kilt would do the job ๐Ÿ’ƒ . But that is one point where you can see, that the equal rights for both genders are not equal. Women can wear dresses and pants, men can wear pants. (At least in the western civilization and if you don't want people have a weird look at you, like when women begin to wear pants a long long time ago.)

    Angelina you can walk around topless

    In public, for example walking through the city?
    Women can wear less cloth and look good and decent than man can do. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

      Angelina therefore it's no problem when a woman takes a sunbath topless, but when a man does it naked it's a crime


        Right,not very feminine...


        Sorry for you...


        I agree,hiding belt in Summer is harder(and more frustrating,I liked to wear a bit more sexier clothes in Summer).

        Max9 We can't just put on a thin dress that allows air to blow up to the belt.

        Tell people you are scottish and wear a kilt! ๐Ÿคฃ

        Kurt A kilt would do the job ๐Ÿ’ƒ


        Kurt Women can wear dresses and pants, men can wear pants. (At least in the western civilization and if you don't want people have a weird look at you, like when women begin to wear pants a long long time ago.)

        Nobody bats an eye at a man wearing a dress in my area any more. Once people are exposed to it, they stop caring or noticing. There is one obvious solution here: be brave. Be a man, wear a dress. Normalize it for your peers and those who come after you. ๐Ÿ˜

          gwen I'm from Bavaria, a deeply catholic and conservative nation... ๐Ÿงจ
          Besides, I anway don't wanna do that.. I mean... neither am I gay, nore will it look gopd on me

            Max9 I'm from Bavaria, a deeply catholic and conservative nation

            You could wear a frock, word on the street is that catholic priests love to frock it up!

            gwen There is one obvious solution here: be brave. Be a man, wear a dress. Normalize it for your peers and those who come after you.

            That's true. Most people don't have the self-confidence they think they have. And only want to be part of "the group". So they laugh at people or bat an eye on them if they do something that isn't "normal". But if you confront them head on and they don't have the secure feeling of the other members of "the group" the laughing stops and the stammering begins.
            And so you can change the thinking of people. If people see your are happy, self-confident and don't want to disabuse/convert them all day with your own believes, they just accept you and every thing is good.
            And in my opinion this is the best way, if you want to bring the society to acknowledge and accept the wearing of chastity belts. But I know this is a very hard way to go, because you have to build this self-confidence for yourself first.

            gwen Be a man, wear a dress.

            I only wanted to point out with this, that the fashion industry is at the moment very limited when it comes to fashion for men. Just look at politician for example (in the western civilization), men always wear suits and women wear so many different clothings (suits, dresses, costumes,...). If you look some centuries back, there you can see that is also possible for men to wear more different kind of clothes, if they are politician.

              Kurt Women can wear dresses and pants, men can wear pants. (At least in the western civilization and if you don't want people have a weird look at you, like when women begin to wear pants a long long time ago.)

              of course there are differences, but i am also convinced that dresses for men will eventually be developed and socially accepted, it just takes a while ๐Ÿ™‚

              Kurt In public, for example walking through the city?

              why not? i've seen it a few times in summer. ๐Ÿ˜‰

              Max9 therefore it's no problem when a woman takes a sunbath topless

              this is not true, it is not always allowed

              Max9 I'm from Bavaria, a deeply catholic and conservative nation... ๐Ÿงจ

              I always say that catholics are crazy ๐Ÿ˜‰

              • Max9 replied to this.

                Angelina always say that catholics are crazy

                Actually it has nothing to do with catholicism, only with conservatism.

                  Max9 nothing to do with catholicism

                  Good point. OK, don't wear a dress... wear a cassock! ๐Ÿ™ƒ

                  I appreciate the thoughtful responses, but I'm my intent was mostly to be silly. I enjoy the juxtaposition of invoking 'be a man' to encourage men to be less strict in their masculine presentation. ๐Ÿ˜‰

                    gwen I appreciate the thoughtful responses, but I'm my intent was mostly to be silly

                    I know ๐Ÿ˜‰

                    gwen I enjoy the juxtaposition of invoking 'be a man' to encourage men to be less strict in their masculine presentation.

                    Yes, that's very paradox, but that was exactly the same when women started wearkng pants... it also was about embrackng themselves, where the pamts were a 100% male-only clothing to wear. That's why people did have weird lookw at them ... just like they still look at a hairy fat man wearing a princes costume and a pink tutu. Today they are called sexists fore having been like that.

                      gwen but I'm my intent was mostly to be silly. I enjoy the juxtaposition of invoking 'be a man' to encourage men to be less strict in their masculine presentation.

                      I did get your intent from the beginning (and see it also in your way) ๐Ÿ˜‰ and just used it to my advantage ๐Ÿ˜€ Most of the time I just wait for the right moment to post something (if I'm not to lazy ๐Ÿ˜… )

                      Max9 Actually it has nothing to do with catholicism, only with conservatism.

                      i know and let me say in all things economic and patriotism i have a great preference for conservatives but i think some things should be made more modern (that's where my liberal side comes up) ๐Ÿ˜‰

                      Max9 Today they are called sexists fore having been like that.

                      and at some point people will be called sexists who want to forbid men to wear a dress ๐Ÿ˜‰

                      • Max9 replied to this.

                        Angelina and at some point people will be called sexists who want to forbid men to wear a dress ๐Ÿ˜‰

                        That's true, but there's no point in being the first to wear one when you actually don't want to wear one.

                          Max9 That's true, but there's no point in being the first to wear one when you actually don't want to wear one.

                          of course, it should be men who want it too ๐Ÿ˜‰

                          Kurt If you look some centuries back, there you can see that is also possible for men to wear more different kind of clothes, if they are politician.

                          Which clothes?

                          Max9 there's no point in being the first to wear one when you actually don't want to wear one.

                          Of course.

                          • Kurt replied to this.

                            Vanessa Which clothes?

                            What have I done ๐Ÿ˜ฉ More work for me ๐Ÿ˜‰
                            Perhaps I did write this post, so it sounds like a bit to absolute. My bad or you just want to "provoke" me a little (in a playful sense) ๐Ÿ˜‰ . Nevertheless I want to correct my post a little and give some examples.
                            Here are some examples for clothes of the last centuries 1, 2 and 3. In the last you can see they wore more colorful clothes like they do today, e.g. this.
                            I know my post sounded a bit like complaining, but this was not my intention. Fashion changes over time and know we life in a time where we have access to so many things, but sometimes I think we are limiting ourselves. Look like how buildings looked in the 19th century and how they look today. Every time I see such buildings, I think that the modern architects only play Minecraft in university and don't know anymore how to use angle that are not only 90ยฐ.

                            Again don't take this to seriously and for more historic facts @Ines is the expert ;-)


                              interesting list, thanks for your effort ๐Ÿ™‚

                              but i think we can agree that everyone should wear what he/she wants and what suits the occasion. ๐Ÿ™‚

                                Kurt What have I done ๐Ÿ˜ฉ More work for me ๐Ÿ˜‰


                                Anyway,thank you for the examples,it is interesting.

                                I agree that modern buildings look way worse...

                                Angelina we can agree that everyone should wear what he/she wants and what suits the occasion. ๐Ÿ™‚

                                I agree.