Max9 Luckily a chastity bra doesn't need to be fixed at the belt
It doesn't have to be, but it can be, and I also have the corresponding connecting chains, which I only wear under certain conditions.
Vanessa A chastity bra without a chastity belt don't make much sense,I think.
unless the parents have an extreme aversion to the daughter's breasts
Max9 Some people like it as a fetish, others see it as punishment.
or like my father as an additional safety tool
Jen but the d rings are like blemishes on the side.
and it proves that there is a certain distrust of your parents that "only" the belt is safe enough. what brand do you have? if it is mysteel, then the proof is there that your parents at least don't rule out buying thigh bands.
Max9 that's true, they always make a belt look ... strange... a belt always has a very organic and elegant shape ... the D-Rings interrupt that design vocabulary.
the D-rings are also not made to look good