Vanessa They may only order it in case of need,but decide it would be useless to use thigh bands(for example,if they think the belt is secure enough without these).
that's what i meant, i didn't mean that the parents will order thigh bands right away, but they are definitely thinking about it.
HHelen It's better to order them and not use than not to have them if needed.
since i consider thigh bands to be by far the worst part of my equipment, i clearly disagree.
Jen This still creeps me out, bands have to be double as evil as just a belt. Like what are they thinking when adding d rings how can they think bands are ever going to happen
Frankly speaking how fare was you mother thinking what she what she's doing to you by forcing you to wear it?
I don't think she has thought in the least about the damage she would do.
a_father Ordering D-rings means having tightbands in mind
I thought they are part of a belt by default.
you can also use D-Rings to fix handcuffs btw
Christine I thought they are part of a belt by default.
no, D-rings have to be ordered separately. every girl who has D-rings on her belt should be warned
Max9 can still be put on later
but you have to send the belt to mysteel so that they can attach the D-rings, which only makes sense if the thigh bands are purchased directly.
No problem!
Not for the wearer...
Jen Like what are they thinking when adding d rings how can they think bands are ever going to happen
They may doubt a chastity belt is secure enough.
I don't remember,do "your" chastity belt have D-rings?
Angelina they are definitely thinking about it.
Good for you!
No,at least for My-Steel ones.
But in this case,it is fetish and bondage,not chastity.
Max9 Luckily a chastity bra doesn't need to be fixed at the belt
A chastity bra without a chastity belt don't make much sense,I think.