Vanessa You've tried it too?

yes with my old belt
because it wasn't really sized that well
I did not wear them with my new belt although they can be put on

    dylan I did not wear them with my new belt although they can be put on

    your parents seem to have thought of everything. such a complete equipment is very unusual for men. i think you are the first man here who owns a belt, bra and thighbands.

      Angelina your parents seem to have thought of everything.

      its just that my parents have strange believes but im not allowed to aks them (if I do I wil get punished)
      it's the same that im not allowed to drive or drink alcohol witch is both allowed from 18 in The Netherlands

      Angelina such a complete equipment is very unusual for men.

      yes I know and im not liking it but its just te way it is

      Angelina think you are the first man here who owns a belt, bra and thighbands.

      yes I know but I don't have to wear the thighbands anymore and I love to not wear them
      they will come back for punishment but for now it didn't happen


        Forgive my curiosity but how did you manage with male clothing (shorts, jeans, trousers) with thigh bands?


          you can't
          i wore them at night and when I wore them for punishment I wasn't allowed to go to get out of the house (so I have never worn them in pubic)
          im sorry for te confusion

            Vanessa Unusual for a man to try it!

            I know, but I wanted to get the feeling of wearing them. Now I can partly imagine how it feels, when somebody have to wear them 🙂

            Angelina does your belt have D-rings? i am surprised that a man has D-rings on his belt 😮

            Yep, my belt got 2 D-Rings

              dylan but im not allowed to aks them (if I do I wil get punished)

              why are you being punished for this? with such strict rules, i would at least demand an explanation from my parents.

              dylan yes I know but I don't have to wear the thighbands anymore and I love to not wear them
              they will come back for punishment but for now it didn't happen

              has your freeundin ever seen you in the full outfit i.e. belt, bra and thighbands? if so doesn't she find it a bit strange, especially the bra?

              Kris Now I can partly imagine how it feels, when somebody have to wear them 🙂

              and what do you think about us now? 😉

                All this talk is making me want to atleast try thigh bands myself

                  Angelina why are you being punished for this? with such strict rules, i would at least demand an explanation from my parents.

                  believe me it only got me in to trouble

                  Angelina has your freeundin ever seen you in the full outfit i.e. belt, bra and thighbands? if so doesn't she find it a bit strange, especially the bra?

                  I think freeundin means girlfriend?!
                  yes with bra and belt
                  but I dint wear thighbands with my new belt so she have not seen me in it

                  Daphne All this talk is making me want to atleast try thigh bands myself

                  than you should try it
                  (i don't know if you are belted en how your parents are)
                  but think about the consequences

                    Angelina and what do you think about us now? 😉

                    Hard to explain in english 😃 All of you have my biggest respect! 🙂

                      Angelina does your belt have D-rings? i am surprised that a man has D-rings on his belt 😮

                      Me too.

                      Angelina no, if that were the case, my father would have had D-rings attached to camryn's belt, which is why she had to wear my old one for the test. 😉

                      Right,with no D-rings,no risk.


                      Did you want to try these,or was it a a punishment or a way to increase the security of the belt?

                      Angelina such a complete equipment is very unusual for men. i think you are the first man here who owns a belt, bra and thighbands.

                      I think so.

                      dylan im not allowed to aks them (if I do I wil get punished)

                      Not good.As long as you're polite and respectful,you should be allowed to discuss it with them.

                      dylan I love to not wear them


                      dylan they will come back for punishment but for now it didn't happen

                      Let's hope you would mange to avoid it.

                      Kris I know, but I wanted to get the feeling of wearing them. Now I can partly imagine how it feels, when somebody have to wear them 🙂

                      So you never wear these again?

                      dylan but I dint wear thighbands with my new belt so she have not seen me in it

                      Does she know you may have to wear these?

                        Vanessa Did you want to try these,or was it a a punishment or a way to increase the security of the belt?

                        at first a way to increase the security but they dit notice that it was a way to punish me so they used it from time to time

                        Vanessa Not good.As long as you're polite and respectful,you should be allowed to discuss it with them.

                        im not allowed and im not wanting to get in trouble either so I have left the idea to know why

                        Vanessa Let's hope you would mange to avoid it.
                        I hope so to

                        Vanessa Does she know you may have to wear these?

                        no she will know it when I get into them (she knows that my parents are very strange so she knows te expect anything

                          Angelina does your belt have D-rings? i am surprised that a man has D-rings on his belt 😮

                          You can fit handcuffs on it so that your partner can clean the front part of the belt and make sure that you don't touch yourself during that... you can lock him to a table or wall for punishment, ok... that's already somewhat bdsm likely

                            dylan at first a way to increase the security but they dit notice that it was a way to punish me so they used it from time to time

                            Better.For punishment,you wear these "only" sometimes,if it was to increase the security it would probably be permanently.

                            dylan im not allowed and im not wanting to get in trouble either so I have left the idea to know why

                            Too bad...

                            dylan no she will know it when I get into them

                            How do you think she would react?


                            More bondage than chastity.

                              Vanessa More bondage than chastity.

                              Yes, it has nothing to do with chastity. Only use in connection with chastity is for cleaning purposes. At male belts can the frontshield be taken off to be cleanes. While the keyholder does this he can be sure that the lockee can't pleasure himself having the hands cuffed at the waistband.

                              Vanessa More bondage than chastity.

                              I agree. Use of thigh bands as a punishment is something horrific. This is particularly true for a male who would not be able to wear normal male clothing to conceal them. It is so heart breaking to me that something my partner and I enjoy, is being used for such vile purposes.

                                Foxies It is so heart breaking to me that something my partner and I enjoy, is being used for such vile purposes.

                                Unfortunately, this is the reality we live in. This is shown here in small ways and we can see this injustice on a large scale every day in the news.