Daniil Laura Roskomnadzor isn't. It is enough for me. I don't need full anonymity for my purposes at this moment of time. I don't make illegal things.
Renita Daniil But If you hear about my monthly salary, you will laugh. so who are you after that? π
Megan My fiance is like Laura he always knows something but is very calm and friendly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNEd56gCmFA
Raziel Do you want to travel and take vacation? If so, would you bring your chastity device or leave it behind? Many airports should be ok if the device is in a checked luggage, but at least it isn't a sharp object.
Daniil Raziel More than travel - I would like to go out from Russia. But yes, I would like to travel with chastity. I wouldn't like to go in sex-tourism.
Johnathan Raziel I think it will be fine in storage luggage. It may arouse suspicion on carry-ons, since those are carefully inspected. Wearing one through security will definately be bad though! J
Daniil strictfather Someone would like to live there. Someone like it,but would like to live in another country. And there a lot of people,who call the Europe "Gayrope". They also think that all of Europe is rotten. Third category of people is called "vatniks". No one loves vatniks. No one.