Daniil There are a lot of people who support the confederacy the U.S. This is due to the articles of confederation, the original constitution that made the entire country a confederacy and gave most rights to states. The south had an agrarian economy while the north was industrialized. Thus, when northern abolitionists tried to outlaw slavery, they overlooked the fact that the entire southern economy was built upon this corrupt system. This system would have taken 50-100 years to correct efficiently, but the north wanted abolition. And they had more population, so the federal government was in their favour. The south panicked, as they knew that the smooth transition away from slavery wouldn't take place. They used the nuclear option and seceeded from the U.S., and a long bloody civil war followed that killed over 850,000 people, possibly more. In the end the smooth economic transition did not occur, and both the north and south hate each other to the present day. Both whites and blacks were hurt badly. Many of them had no money, and the south was in ruins. This led to the rise of terrorist groups such as the klan. Many blacks were lynched in horrible ways that I can't even discuss. The southern economy never fully recovered, and is still poorer than the north.
This is why some people supported the confederacy and the rights of the states. If the states could have made the gradual transition in their own, everyone would be better off, especially the blacks. Plus, terrorists like the kkk would never have been formed. The dixie flag is symbolic of that spirit of self-determination, the capacity to fix your own problems without others interrupting. The Virginia battle flag (dixie flag) has been modified and utilized by far-right groups. This is the flase "confederate flag" most people are familiar with.
With a $26 trillion national debt, more and more people are supporting the old confedeacy with more state rights, so the government is closer to the people, and easier to mange.
There are lots I didn't cover, but this is a brief rundown of U.S history as it relates to the concept or radicals you described.
Sorry about the rant, I just needed to explain things 🙂