I would not like to have my boy in a chastity belt, and I would even less to have his keys.
For my, he has two responsibilities to own me, and make me happy and feel special.
All opinions are perfect, it is just mine, it is just in order to chat a little.

    Ines I would not like to have my boy in a chastity belt, and I would even less to have his keys.

    I wouldn't insist it, but prefer both spouses wear chastity device or none. Otherwise it's so unfair.

    Laura For straight marriage however it's more complicated.

    It's impossible. How do you even imagine that?

      Renita I don't find it so stupid, especially since it worked. Plus the situation is different here.

      Even if I think it is more fair if both partner does it,and would try it if I marry a man and he wants me to wear a chastity belt,I'm not sure it is possible for a man to wear it like us.Especially due to chastity cages(or chastity belts for men)can be awfully painful when he get erect,and possible bad consequences on his health(or risk to injure badly his penis,making him have problems to be/stay erect,even when free).

        I have another approach. For me is not nice the idea of a man closed.
        The man who I love has to control my feminity, but he has not be cruel. So, he would not maintain me frustrated systematically. I accept, and even I like to have to accept, he would be far more free than me, but in change he has to be responsible of me.
        The man that is attractive for me has to take care of his girl and it includes our sexuality, and take care ,is control it and maybe dose our needs, but too make we have a happy marital life. Take care is not make us sad, unhappy and unsatisfied girls. Take care, is rule and fulfill our yearnings.

          Let's see this example:
          A day he (your husband) returns at home and you want sex but he doesn't think the same way. He will simply leave your CB locked. and you remain horny. it's a your problem, not his! you will have no reliefe.
          he wants too but you have BEFORE to ask him to open CB: no spontaneity, no surprise in that special dream moment (for you).
          without belt there will be a different magic, a different way for you to communicate him you want sex. without asking (as a pupil to the teacher "can i go to the bathroom?") "can you please open my CB?" 😛

            strictfather A day he (your husband) returns at home and you want sex but he doesn't think the same way. He will simply leave your CB locked. and you remain horny. it's a your problem, not his! you will have no reliefe.

            That's exactly what my concern is. He might "forget" about me, and it would never happens if we wear belts together.

            Vanessa Especially due to chastity cages(or chastity belts for men)can be awfully painful when he get erect

            Maybe stupid question, but isn't he supposed to get erection on me only? 🙂

              Laura, "Maybe stupid question, but isn't he supposed to get erection on me only? "

              ehm... erection sometimes is Spontaneous.
              A simple example: if you (male) have to pee, it can happen if you can't pee but you have to wait.
              another example: can happen during the sleep.
              another example: can happen if you see something beautiful 😛. Hei! your CB stop your pleasure. a male CB would stop both pleasure both erection. double effect. too much maybe. It's like everytime you see something horny... a magic hand appears fro nothing and gives you a painful tweaks on your arm OUCH! Ehi, look at that movie actor OUCH! Hei today my male school friend is beautiful OUCH! a a merciless and inexorable hand. Do you like it?

              • Ines replied to this.

                I am not sure if you are answering my post, but anyway I think your approach is wrong.
                I hope my live partner, loves me, and protected me, I will not love him if he is cruel with me.
                Well maybe, someday, I will be more playful than him, and if he decides do not release me, I have to accept, and of course I would feel a bit frustrated, but is his power do it. And probably it will be worst for him, I will have more strength the next time🤗!

                Another much more different think is that you man neglect about his wife, making him unhappy. Most of us have not any problem giving ourselves to our beloved being, but he has to be tender and solicitous with us.

                I agree with give the key of my pleasure to my partner, and I like the idea, even if it suppose to be a bit frustrated sometimes, but I can not surrender to a man who does not care about me, and he does not try make me happy.

                I am not sure, if I can explain me well enough, @strictfather , for me give control of my feminity is, as said Epicure "to accept present bad, if it will carry you pleasure in the future". Water tastes better if you are a little thirsty..... :😅 But I am not a camel 🐫! :😂


                strictfather erection sometimes is Spontaneous

                She does not have brothers, for sure! Some times they have "trophism", a kind of "maintenance erection" just for "to be ready"...
                It is medicine, but it is a bit shameful for me :🤗

                  Ines She does not have brothers, for sure! Some times they have "trophism", a kind of "maintenance erection" just for "to be ready"...

                  That's why I called my question stupid 🙂
                  And I agree to @Angelina that girls don't have such problems and more suitable for belting.

                  • Ines replied to this.

                    Laura, please, sweetheart, any question is stupid.
                    Well maybe one about dishwashers and belts is a little strange.... :😂
                    But not your question. I know it because I study for become in a doctor, and I like read, and I have a brother too, so many years thinking bad of him before I discovery trophism!!!! :😅😅😅😂😂😂

                    Whaahttt? did yo read such perverted books? immediately put a CB on that book! 😛 hehehe
                    🙂 🙂 🙂

                    strictfather Why don't you try this with your wife? And we'll see what happens to you. By the way, it's better than putting a belt on your daughter

                      Angelina well unfortunately women are easier to lock than men

                      It has less secondary effects,yes.


                      Even if don't share the same opinion,I can understand your point if view,and it seems logical too.

                      Laura Maybe stupid question, but isn't he supposed to get erection on me only?

                      Based on what I notices with my twin,a man can become erect way more often than when thinking at his girlfriend...And I personally dont think than being erect is cheating.

                      Renita Why don't you try this with your wife? And we'll see what happens to you. By the way, it's better than putting a belt on your daughter

                      It is not that uncommon that a married woman try to wear one before asking(and convincing)her daughters to do it...Ivana,Tere...