Become a belted wife
Laura In my opinion, it's highly recommended. If parents think about a chastity belt for their daughter, her mom should try it first.
I think I would fight a lot more against my belt if I hadn't known if from my mother for my whole life. But we should never forget, beeing a belted wife is completely different than beeing a belted daughter. As a daughter I am locked 24/7 with 0% chance of an orgasm (if done right). As a belted wife you can have orgasm, it's "only" out of control when. As a daughter it's only frustrating as a wife it can spice up your relationship.
This is the point that I tried to explain. A husband, can play with our frustration, but his wish is make us happy as his wifes, so he, at the end, just rule and dose our pleasure, but do not deny it to us.
I think, that, maybe, I could not be totally happy and full filled if he does not maintain me a little frustrated sometimes.
ok i think i understand, you mean that a mother wearing a belt can show her daughters how happy sex is in marriage and convince them to get married right ?
well in this case you (you and sara) are both right, even though in my opinion it is still a difference because mother and daughter wear a cb for different reasons
Renita The same appplies to father versus boy.
I completely agree with you.
As a wife,with her husband/wife having the keys,she accepts to not have any control on her private parts and her sexuality,but she has sex,orgasm,and so,even if she isn't able to choose when and how often.
As a daughter,with our parents having the keys,it generally means we aren't allowed to have sex at all,and not able to get an orgasm,until married(generally,we're supposed to wear until married).
Vanessa As a wife,with her husband/wife having the keys,she accepts to not have any control on her private parts and her sexuality,but she has sex,orgasm,and so,even if she isn't able to choose when and how often.
If husband lets her. Or he can keep his wife in a belt and don't touch her for a long time, knowing there is nothing she can do.
Laura If husband lets her. Or he can keep his wife in a belt and don't touch her for a long time, knowing there is nothing she can do.
I think this is an hypothetical option. A man who tend to do this to me would never become my husband and if my husband would change his character and becoming such a man I would quit the relationship.
An interesting question is what to do after marriage. Would you ask a male member of your family to become your keyholder or would you stop wearing a belt?
Sara2001 I think this is an hypothetical option. A man who tend to do this to me would never become my husband and if my husband would change his character and becoming such a man I would quit the relationship.
What if it happens after few years of marriage?
Sara2001 An interesting question is what to do after marriage. Would you ask a male member of your family to become your keyholder or would you stop wearing a belt?
Obviously it's husband's decision to wear or not wear a belt.
"Obviously it's husband's decision to wear or not wear a belt."
no: better talk about it before wedding.
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strictfather no: better talk about it before wedding.
And what would it change?
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