Angelina oh it's plenty real. My girlfriend back in high school got kidnapped by them. I had graduated she didn't turn up for like 8 months year and wasn't free from the program for 2 years. By then obviously we had said goodbye already and she texted me on one home visit to say it was ok for me to move on 🙁
Never really talked to her after she got back she just kinda was a shell of herself and wouldn't do any of the things she liked, she was afraid to be happy seamed like. She went to some college a few years after in another state and we.lost touch. I was always very resentful from this.
A lot of kids are sent there for stuff like depression and they get traumatized by it. The philosophy of these places is to break you and rebuild you. A lot of the kids there kill themselves when they get out or become drug addicts. It really doesn't help anything and it a money making scheme I think. Some abusive parents like sending there kids there. I met a girl at my college who was at one (there's a lot of these places) and after she got out her relationship with her parents was pretty ruined
They couldn't talk to each other because of how much anger and resentment she had for dad and it would always end with her screaming at them
It's technically legal in the us since the parent can sing away custodial rights to the child. The us never ratified the un children's rights treats and there's no federal laws about this until Paris Hilton got involved last year.
The police would Chase these kids down all the time as they tend to try to run away..they can even arrest you for trying to help a runaway as it's legally taking them from there gaurdian. They use kids of therapy to blame the kid for everything
I heard stories about girls who get sent who had emotional issues from being raped in childhood and the rape would be structure and sculpted in group tharapy to make them think it was there fault.
Lots super religious people work there. One place had stories of blasting fire and brimstone damnation preaching on repeat for 24/7 to the kids in solitary confinement room lol. It's like the religious zealots don't realize what century it is. I remember a lot of tramatic things from ym.program and mine was better and in a state that had a lot.of rules like big restrictions on solitary confinement and stuff like that I went to own after my girlfriend did cuz I was smoking weed to cope with her being gone.
Some things I saw, kid had staff sit on him to restrain him, kid almost died from suffocation. (A 7 year old foster girl died recently at a place from this)
Kid got shot with a razer for being a brat when they called the cops on him (cops in us tend to do stuff cuz they get away with it, and this was back in 2011 so there were not the same police practices and controversy as today)
Girls screaming every time I had to go to there dorm for "tharapy" (her office was in the lower floor of there dorm building), not sure what the screaming was about but not a very good environment for tharapy lol.
Other place I was at first for less time had orphaned kids just dumped there for years (one 16 year old had been there since she was 10, they barley got to go outside the building at all mostly just like once a month if they were good) tons of security doors cuz this girl from my highschool who was there and her roommate keep escaping lol. They also used the plastic handcuffs on kid to force them to go to group tharapy so that was fun (no, not really)
Oh and you HAVE to talk about past phycological trauma or they tell you you can't leave :/
Great environment for for kids who had a sexual abusive history.
Oh and the autistic kid who they sent back to his abusive family despite him trying to kill himself to escape and they were just like meh, child services took took long to get here, we can't wait another day the insurance ran out. Yeah kids could get given back to an abusive parent if the child services took too long to show up and there insurance ran out.
Saw this happen at a phych hospital too a girl was dragged out by her abusive father who she kept talking about raping her while screaming and crying for help.
Yeah the us healthcare system has been a flaming radioactive disaster for years. And I assume this is why our drug, prison, and murder rates are sky high
Oh and domestic abuse
.that too.
Rant over.