Angelina As long as they don't catch on her thighs too much (as some of the cheap thigh bands would), cause too much noise and she doesn't have to climb or bend her legs differentially too much when cleaning, I can see it still working out in the end.
I kinda work in a similar environment now, but it's much more spacious than your typical restaurant and there aren't many situations where I have to get my legs far apart (we have escalators and lifts). Only problem is that the restaurant environment is in a high security area in an airport involving metal scanners, x-ray and microwave detection of foreign objects, and denying them means you'd get banned from the security area, and the only other way out of the country at an affordable price means driving out of the state for some 2500km
At least there are some privacy/confidentiality laws here that would at least "in theory" dissuade the press coming on reporting on something like "dude wears chastity belt to airport on a daily basis" coming up in the news.