Joh As far as I remember in 9 1/2 weeks was no chastity belt. Not in the bock or film either.
Actually there is, but there’s no one actually wearing a chastity belt.
About 15 or 20 minutes into the movie, there is a scene where Kim Basinger and some guy are setting up a window display in the store in which they work. The guy says, “Let’s put the dog collar over here.” Kim Basinger, laughing at his naïveté, says, “It’s a chastity belt.”
And that’s all we get.
9 1/2 Weeks was not beloved by the BDSM community. As one critic, I believe it was Lenny Lopate of NYC radio station WBAI put it, “The film was supposed to be about S&M, but they took out all of the S&M.”