3D printer service are become more and more common it's usually located near Technical Universities and Colleges even some good equipped schools have it , 3D scanner could be rented or use phone with good quality camera instead
the lock!
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Taz These would be very effective on a belt as you could lock the belt then change the lock so even if the wearer got access to the key it wouldn't work.
Again another fancy story, for CB use I mean, that has no sense, the key becames useless, no longer needed to keep, and anybody could "steal" the latest key version.
That just make sense for locks which needs the key for locking (radials), allow anyone to lock, and then not to unlock, but again, with special key that should have the "first locker"?
and also taking in account this can be only done once...
hornyaspie2 I think you do not really understand how a key holder stores the chastity keys.
Taking the key to go to a place that has 3D equipment becomes more a fantasy and a dream than a reality.
I wanted to help, fortunately it does not apply to me, but I am interested in this technology, because I have Asperger and ADHD, it is 3D printing and not chastity belts: D
This is a bit of an interesting but as a game an interesting BSDM game :-)
There us always, nuclear option always remains to notify the cops, the only right one in my opinion in the cases described above
Taz Many lock makers also sell change key locks, these have two keys one that unlocks it and one that won't unlock it but will change the internal pinning so the first key will no longer work
That silly so how to unlock it when it really needed?
hornyaspie2 That silly so how to unlock it when it really needed?
Sorry I didn't explain change key locks well.
A change key lock usually has 7 numbers engraved on the front of it 1-7 or 0-6 depends on who makes them.
They could be bought with any number from 1 to 7 of different keys and a change key.
Assume we only have key No 1 and the change key.
To use the lock you insert the change key and turn it to position No 1. The lock will now work like a perfectly normal lock with key No 1. If you now use the change key again and turn the lock to any or the other 6 positions key No 1 will no longer work in this lock. As soon as you reset it to one key No 1 will work again.
The reason these sort of locks could be useful on a belt is that both parents can hold a key and the lock can only be opened by both of them together, first the change key then the unlocking key.
There may be reasons to have several people with permission to unlock the belt. It is perhaps possible that the wearer may be going to stay long term with another relative and the belt could be programmed to their key before departure.
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then you mean first key is not voided, is what I understood from first explanation
and the loop can continue until back to the beginning?
Then always exist an even key that programs the lock for the next key? which only works if is the proper key for the previous programming? or if you own the "programming keys", can be used at any time independently of current programmed key?
that's a better approach for some cases, but even if is needed switch keyholders, just changing the lock and providing one of the keys to the new keyholder seems easier
Maximus then you mean first key is not voided?
No the first key is not voided. The change key can only be used to set the lock to accept any one of up to 7 different keys. The change key by itself cannot open the lock. There is no need to set the keys sequentially you could start of with key No 5, change to No 2 then No 7 or any other pattern you liked.
The uses I see are
1). when you only have 1 key and the change key it can be used so that both keys and presumably both key holders have to be physically present to unlock the belt.
2). When several people have a legitimate right to open the belt they could all hold keys and the belt could be programmed to that key before the wearer went there. Only examples I can think of would be the family doctor if they understood and accepted chastity, relatives if going to stay long term, there are probably others I can't think of.
Not know why but this remind me the way Americans and Russian authorize use of their country representative nuclear arsenal
I must say that I have intellectual kink about game theory and Mutually Assured Destruction
So I wonder why those pore kids not use nuclear option and report such whicked parents to police ?
Bondage kink with willing partners is one kind doing it for real to kids is bad
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Taz If you decide to pick it you are gambling that either you are very good at picking or that there are no trap pins in that lock
Thanks. Better not try
Maximus Then always exist an even key that programs the lock for the next key? which only works if is the proper key for the previous programming? or if you own the "programming keys", can be used at any time independently of current programmed key?
I guess @BikelockFugitive is going to answer here soon!
It would be appreciated if you talk a bit about yourself in the introduction topic.
Taz A trap pin variant looks exactly the same as any other 7 pin radial.
Does Tollyboy use these?
Tobbe How many wearing a chastity belt, have the key + 3D scanner and 3D printer?
Taz Tollyboy did offer permanent locks. These look normal, have a key but will only turn clockwise. They are literally use once and the key is thereafter useless.
For what purpose?It seems totally useless for chastity belt,if we can't open it after it's locked...
Yes,for such purpose,it can be useful.
Laura Thanks. Better not try
Would you have tried,otherwise?
Tollyboy have built from scratch and modified some standard locks to use trap pins, they have never been on the website but have been built as specials for customers who were particularly worried about security.
Permanent locks were offered as a joke and people bought them. I can only assume they are used by people never intend to take the belt off as a replacement for a normal lock. I further assume you buy a belt, wear it, adjust it until it is absolutely perfect then once comfortable with it replace the lock with a permanent one. I have no idea why anyone would spend the money to do this when if they wanted it permanent you could just throw the key away or if wanting to remove the temptation to try to pick it fill the lock with epoxy or similar. Until such time as there is a belt that has no glued on edging or plastic covered cable I personally see it as being pointless as the belt will have to come off for maintenance. It still doesn't stop people buying them. Perhaps they are just a threat to say to the wearer you do know there is a non removable lock on the shelf that I could use.
Taz Can I actually have a link to such a model? I haven't actually seen them a whole lot.