Avery Since she came to the west what has happened to her? Her new (step-)father has locked her into a belt just as your father did to you.
Yes, but that doesn't have much to do with religion, on the contrary. @Amira wrote that her stepfather wants her in the belt because of western values and over time @Amira became more and more convinced that the belt is right so she became a volunteer. chastity is not necessarily a religious value but primarily a moral one
In addition, @Amira's stepfather was the driving force, at least in the beginning, and as far as I know he is German and not a Muslim
Ines I do not like so much talk about it, but for me worse moment is shaving, not always, but sometimes.
shaving is always a critical moment because you automatically come into contact with your most intimate parts and a kind of sensual feeling can arise 😅
@Amira how did the conversation go now, what did you say to your parents and how did they react? 😃