Ines but Catholic Church is by far, the biggest benefactor of the world.
Why not tell that to the millions and millions of people all over the world who have been "christianised" by the sword (yes, the European type of sword with the hand guard as cross bar resembling a cross is no accidental similarity) and were brutally killed if they did not took up the new faith.
Why not tell this to the thousands of native people in New Zealand and Australia, who were taken as young children from their parents and placed into the care of the church in order to be "raised as good christians", because in the eyes of the church non-christian parents were unfit for that role. (Known as "stolen generation" and the governments of both countries have apologised, but not the catholic church.)
Why not tell this to thousands of victims of sexual abuse by priests where the church actually worked to protect the priests rather than the victims?
Why not tell this millions of women (and some men) who were burned alive for witchcraft and herecy under the order of the chruch, who actively engaged in these actions via the "holy [!!!] inquisition" and for which the church until today has never apologised or even admitted it was wrong? (Actually, as I pointed out before, the institution of the "holy inquisition" still exists, if was just renamed to the "congregation of faith" of which then Cardinal Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI.) was the head).
Why not tell this to millions of muslims and naive but faithful christian Europeans, who died in the crusades?
Why not tell this to about 7 million jewish people who died in Nazi Germany's concentration camps when Pope Pius XII. stood by and signed a contract with Nazi Germany not to interfere? And many Nazi criminals evaded allied justice in Europe after WW2 because the catholic church actively helped them escape to countries in South America.
I could go on and on like this.
There are actually very few organisations (if any at all) in the world that have more blood on their hands than the catholic church.