Ines Catholic Church is by far, the biggest benefactor of the world.
While you and I are far apart in many of our deep beliefs, I find myself in strong agreement to the vast majority of your statements. However, the one I quoted above finally gives me pause for thought. Perhaps you might be interested in the link I attach below.
I know English isn't your first language but there was a famous debated televised some years ago in London that is on YouTube and is well worth a watch. Not only because of the oratory, but also it illustrates the skill of the four debaters. And the topic "The Catholic Church is a Force for Good in the World" is very germane to your statement. As a matter of fact, this particular debate sent ripples throughout the entire Catholic Church, not least because there were more than a few Catholics in the audience. Of particular note is a pole of the audience done immediately before and after the debate.
I do not wish to be argumentative, particularly with someone I admire so I won't write any more on this topic.