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  • Wishing To Live In A Slightly Better World

Kaja This is other level of absurdity and violence.

Welcome to reality.


Ithink it is important that you first look for a consultation with a good lawyer. initial talks are usually not very expensive, a good lawyer will also tell you whether it is worth conducting a lawsuit and what the chances of a win are


but often it is enough to make enough pressure. a big company will not like to go to court if the chances are low, usually other offers are made etc.

    I suggest you watch 'The Rainmaker' (Der Regenmacher), a movie from 1997 after the book from John Grisham. If is of course a more dramatic setting in order to make it worthwhile reading for entertainment, but you get a pretty good understanding how big corporations use their size and power to exploit ordinary people.
    And although the case is obviously extreme, the underlying concept how to win not by having the better legal position but by 3xploiting the system is valid and can - with necessary variations - be adjusted to work in pretty much every legal system in this world in some way or another.

      Again you are Insulting because you claim things about me which are completely untrue and for your statement you have zero proof.
      You are obviously lacking sophistication, show a blatant lack of basic decency when it comes to discuss a topic with people who are of opposing opinion to a point where you always attack people on a personal level rather than engage with the actual argument.
      I tried to offer you a well meant advise you could have benefited from and instead of considering it, and tried to learn something, you flatly rejected everything.
      Now I am really tired of your constant personal attacks on me and your insults and hereby ask @Ines to take a decisive action against your behaviour. Obviously editing your posts does not work as a warning so more is needed from the Admin.

      Kaja This is other level of absurdity and violence.
      Kaja He hate any idea of freedom. They are lostes words from your side

      Just in terms of lawsuits and the use of actual advantage by large companies, @curious is unfortunately right and I would not perceive what he writes as an attack on freedom, but a sad statement of facts.

      • Owl likes this.

      Well, @curious , I understood her words as a criticism towards the situation, not as an attack (in this case).
      However, @Kaja , please , you can keep writing your ideas here, but watch your tone.
      Currently I the forum do not exist anyone defending or telling abusive stories, so bad words only create bad environment.
      People comes here to have a nice time, and tension avoids it.
      In the future, we will be rigorous with this, because it is a way of sabotaging the forum.

        audioguy58 From sad personal experience (nothing to do with chastity belts), if you are from a somewhat better economic background, the "Children and Youth Services" will leave you alone, even if you beg them for help, actually have doctor's letters asking them to supply certain services.

        What you get is two ladies visiting, checking the condo, nice and clean, the fridge is stocked well with good food, kid does not complain about abuse. Bye bye, no social worker to support the family regularly as suggested by the children psychiatrist and requested by the parents.

        Nope the "children protection services" are targeted to certain social classes, and the upper-middle classes aren't their hunting grounds. Even if related professionals think that their services would be helpful.

        Ines Well, @curious , I understood her words as a criticism towards the situation, not as an attack (in this case).

        Well, stating that I am against any form of freedom is obviously an attack against my person and not a contribution to the discussion I have with @Angelina. She did not engage in any argument but simply attacked me out of context and actually trying to isolate me and destroy any form of meaningful discussion by implying that "does not make sense to talk to me because I am anyhow against every form of freedom" - which of course is not true.

        • Kaja replied to this.

          curious Im tired by you. All the time the same. Sorry.

          For me it has not purpose discuss with you. It has no consequence.

          You all the time say only that you are insulted. Boring.

          • Ines replied to this.

            Everyone would have an internet birth certificate, which would contain your DNA profile and a link to your current biometrics.

              Kaja For me it has not purpose discuss with you

              There are people with whom we can't argue, they just do not connect.
              The best thing to do @Kaja is to stop trying and just ignore those people.
              I have done it myself in this photo and they have done it with me.
              I think everyone can tell which users I ca not stand and which ones can not stand me, and we have never had a bad word.


              yes, so sorry, that's the same thing many on the left tell me and they keep forgetting the power of the media. i can destroy a company in 3 twitter posts today, so every company will be careful and try to do the best for the customer. Public relations has become too important in modern times for companies.
              maybe the left is right and i live in a neoliberal world of make-believe, but i still have the idea that companies work for the people because they ensure the companies' profits and not against the people.

              audioguy58 Everyone would have an internet birth certificate, which would contain your DNA profile and a link to your current biometrics.

              @Kaja before you say something against @curious, that's anti-liberal 😉

                Angelina i still have the idea that companies work for the people because they ensure the companies' profits and not against the people.

                For small and maybe even mid sized companies there is some truth to that. But for the big globally acting corporations, rules are different. If even the diesel scandal was unable to destroy VW, the idea that a few negative twitter posts could is an illusion. Look at how VW took advantage of German buyers who unfortunate did not have the legal tool of class action available to them compared to US customers.
                VW was scared of a trial in the US courts where a punitive damage based on the proven intend to cheat would most likely have been in the billion dollar range. So VW settled the case, taking back all affected cars from US customers or paying for the reduced value.
                German customers got nothing comparable, because German law does not know class action and VW was not afraid of individual legal cases from Germany, where no punitive damages loomed and even if losing, VW would have to pay a few thousand Euros Max for the I dividual car's reduced value.
                If there are now regulations to reign in internationally operating corporations, we the people wil, always be disadvantaged. These corporations can shift around money from one country to another with legal tricks and evade not only taxation but also accountability for what they do to a large extend.
                I am all in favour for a free market, but it will only stay free and fair if seller and buyer are at least roughly facing each other on equal terms.

                Want another example? Terms and Conditions of big companies are many pages long, written by in-house lawyers to make sure there is as little legal accountability for the company as possible. Have you actually spend an hour or two reading through all that stuff before you bought your last car or signed up for your mobile phone contract?
                Of course not, no sane person has the time and frequently neither the legal knowledge to comprehend everything written there. But by not doing that, you are already at a huge disadvantage. A little less so in Germany where the law states that 'surprising clauses in T&C are not legal, but if that law did not exist, good night to your rights as customer.


                  two things come to mind. on the one hand, you are right that large corporations can exercise more power than small and medium-sized companies, but there is a reason why large corporations have become large and the same path can also be taken backwards, so if VW were to sell nothing more, then the company would consider other ways, but that is down to the preferences of the customers. The second thing is that it is really problematic that no class action lawsuits are allowed in Germany, the laws should change there.

                  Originally posted in Financial Chastity Belts:

                  audioguy58 Cash is definitely the enemy here. If Junior is employed as a waiter, bartender, pizza delivery driver etc. , that would mean they are bringing home a large part of their income in cash every night, and that would tend to make an agreement of the type I have outlined above unenforceable.

                  audioguy58 I was trying to imagine that we were living in a slightly better world. What if there were nothing but digital currency, “smart” debit/credit cards, and Apple Pay?

                    “Whenever you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship.”
                    -Harry Truman

                    Yes. I agree. That is precisely what I want.


                      do you really think it's good if all your finances are controlled by the state?