Hello, my name is Eva, I am 30 and I live in Europe.
A few years ago I became quite fond of wearing corsets. I started waist training seriously ten months ago and I have been wearing one 22h per day for three months now.
The reason I am reaching out to you now is because my husband and I have reached to the conclusion (I guess I could explain why if necessary in another post) that I should be wearing a chastity belt (I have had one before getting married so I know the feeling).
We want to make something good for our couple out of this experience. And I don't want to give up corseting which have helped me tremendously by adding structure to my life.
So my question is this : does anyone has experience wearing both a corset (cotton or silk waist cincher to be exact, as it does not includes my breast) and a chastity belt for long periods of time ?
I know how to hide those under plain cloths, and to live with the constraints it will bring to my life. I know how to keep good hygiene.
But we don't know how to make them work mechanically.
My corsets are custom, made specifically for me. the belts we have seen (neosteel, Carrara, etc.) will be made custom for me as well. my husband wants me to be comfortable in the device.
But what should we look for ? which one is on top of the other ? this kind of things.
If one of you has had experience with both of these devices, I would be very grateful to have some guidance.
Thanks a lot for accepting me in your community.