Keyholder welcome thread.
Keyholders, please, here do you have a thread.
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Thank you Ines. I'm surprised, are you giving a new twist to the forum? I am not a parent, I keyhold for adult ladies who wear out of their own motivation. Is this what you had in mind? If yes, I look forward to your questions or comments.
Haha, well they're obviously not "my" ladies, they just give away some control over certain aspects. No, there is no smooth running this, there are always spontaneous feelings involved, but we talk a lot, and after a while I get to understand better the motivation, what is a weakness, when is it time for a break, where I can help. And should I grossly misunderstand the signals, the poor victim can always use her safe word that will end the keyholding session instantanously.
I used "your" only for your responsibility of holding the key.
OK, a save word is a good way but how you prevented they use it not only because they want out of frustration or fulfilling their urge?
Before you be their key holder was a time frame agreed or was it open end, beside for cleaning and other important breaks like visiting a doctor?
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It's a wholly different game among consenting adults. Openness and honesty are prerequisite. I ask the necessary questions. If someone lied to me, I would lose interest to hold their keys.
Timeframe is always agreed for cleaning, reports, reactions, and events requiring to be unbelted. Session length may be predetermined or open, that depends on the goals of the wearer.
Dear Ines, I would call it fetishism only in one case. The others.. maybe challenging themselves, sharpening focus, exercising self restraint?
Well, you can tell us more.
I will ask you if it makes it easier to you:
Do you have virgin girls?
They have some relationship with the others?
I very interested in motivation, I mean, my case is very usual, I mean, I have to wear a belt to protect my purity that is my most valuable good as woman, but, I am interested in read your experience.
Why do you do it?
Joh OK, a save word is a good way but how you prevented they use it not only because they want out of frustration or fulfilling their urge?
A safeword is for when things really go off the rails. When discomfort (whether physical or emotional) has given way trauma. Most of the time it's best to try and forget you have one, and sometimes when things really go off the rails you are too wrapped up in it to realize you should safeword, so it's no substitute for the person in charge being observant and careful.
It's like a guardrail. It may keep you from going off the cliff, but if you need it, you're already getting dented up.
With good communication and caring observation, it shouldn't be necessary very often at all.
It's also important that there be no negative consequences to safewording, and no judgment about whether it was appropriate. If you are afraid to safeword then it becomes useless.
I have a safe word, but I haven't used it in at least ten years. Maybe twenty. I'm not sure. COVID has really messed with my sense of time! lol
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Ines I do not currently hold keys for a "virgin" girl. I did once, but it was a little complicated, because she was not able to express her desires, states of emotion and goals very well. I am not saying this was because of her virginity, but maybe because of inexperience.
Relationship? Well chastity seems to be contagious, so if a girl joins her friend in that, and she communicates well, I may hold keys for both of course. Or were you asking if some lady was in a relationship? There was a relationship once, but I think an external keyholder should pull out as soon as their relationship gets serious.
Motivation is the magic in chastity. I am still a fascinated observer, and as curious as you. I do not think your motivation is "very usual", by the way.
Damien Motivation is the magic in chastity.
Yeah it's like the actual chastity isn't actually that difficult it's knowing why and trusting yourself and doubting yourself and like this decision I've made does it even mean anything. I said many half truths but I think I'm more honest with myself and here now.
How do you know when girls are saying what they really want - like you want to avoid safeword yeah?
How do you know about really changing mind or not. Do you remind us what we said at beginning like to talk us out of changing mind?
Sorry my heads racing I never wanted a key holder but the way you write about it wow
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Dear Jen,
as an AI based language model, I will use your complete browsing history and personal photo library to best decide about your chastity progress - just kidding. Like everyone treats their friends differently, there is probably no one-fits-all best support, at least I have not found it. Some want a sparring partner who challenges them, some a listener, some want to receive baby seal photos when they're feeling down. What kind of support would help you to stay chaste?
well first of all i think it's good that this thread exists, i think it can be really helpful for the forum.
in about 24 hours the "chastity deal" with my father will end. I was then a key holder myself for a year. i have experienced that the role of a key holder means that you have to take on a lot of responsibility. there are tasks such as supervising cleaning breaks, etc. you definitely have to be open to this and shouldn't be shy when it comes to nacked and sexuality.
My respect to all key holders of volunteers and especially to those who have no interest in chastity themselves, but take the keys because the partner or daughter wants it, I'll be happy if i'm finished tomorrow.
Angelina i have experienced that the role of a key holder means that you have to take on a lot of responsibility. there are tasks such as supervising cleaning breaks, etc. you definitely have to be open to this and shouldn't be shy when it comes to nacked and sexuality.
My respect to all key holders of volunteers and especially to those who have no interest in chastity themselves, but take the keys because the partner or daughter wants it,
Absolutely. KH seeing wearer naked at break times etc goes with the territory,