Here's another fail, a keyholder fail. And I was the keyholder.
Another Australian girl, one I met online when she was looking for orientation in a crisis with her bf. The two had gotten her a my-steel months before, and the first stories I received were indicating that her bf was a little careless with her keyholding. I asked about her own motivation in this chastity quest, and she deflected the question, asserting she's just passively enduring things and her bf is the one in control.
After a while I had understood that the two were both technically virgins, and her plan was to use the belt to make sure the relationship remained sexually limited, at least for a while. His keyholding role was thus only accepted half way and grudgingly, and he more and more refused to care for comfort, hygiene breaks, security, her emotions and his friendship with her. They broke up over an alleged "affair" (she kissed a girl friend at a party) and, after making a fuss out of his key possession, he gave her back her keys two days after it was over.
So two weeks later, she mused that it's a waste and a shame, that expensive my-steel belt just lying around, and I became her (very) remote keyholder - hey, it's not like I didn't ask her to offer the keys to her girl "affair", but she was too shy to come out to a local friend.
Being keyholder to a girl who discussed her belt cheating efforts with you in great detail only weeks before is additionally entertaining, and as she's a funny, spontaneous and outgoing person we enjoyed a few months of her chastity quest together - she was kind of determined to remain chaste, even tried to superglue her lock once, and at another time asked me to throw away her code - but of course had her moments where she wanted out, and quite often got I wooed, bribed, shouted at, seduced and baby-dog-eyed. But in all those months, she never used her safe word, and the only real problem was to remotely keep her disciplined through her hygiene breaks.
This February, contact broke for three days, and I was worried. Even more so, when I got a "everything's fine but I need the code by tonight 11pm", and when I asked for the reason, I only got a repeat "no problem at all" and her safeword.
So with doubts and awkard feel, I texted her back the code to her mechanical wall safe with both her keys in it.
She's pregnant now. She had unprotected sex with a fellow student she had never mentioned before on the night I gave her the keys back. She described the sex to me in detail, and that she had dreamt about being pregnant for months, and how it had become her most important goal in life. She has the full support of her parents, and she says maybe the guy will stay with her, but that would be not too important. She says she's happy. I was flabbergasted. Can you fail harder as a keyholder?