curious What are the rules the aunt proposes?
That I also have to wear my belt.
curious Or complete chastity including no masturbation allowed?
Complete chastity since our belts are good for it.
Jonas Do you think your aunt is right?
Yes, I'd rather give her mom's keys.
Jonas Do you think you and your mom would fight about this?
Ofc, I guess she hates her belt as much as I did.
Jonas Did you fight when you were the one wearing?
Angelina but the last date was 10 years ago
And it's going on now. That's the difference.
Angelina well, you have written many times how much you hate the belt
I didn't do anything I deserved a chastity belt for.
Angelina isn't it really more about revenge or her getting her "own medicine"?
She was the person who has brought a chastity belts on the table. I only use the opportunity.