Carlos If you were so determined to ask her to leave if she don't accept, that's a huge step. I will push that, being equal, she should wear a belt exactly as you do. I see no reasons why it should not be this way. She probably doesn't like it, but neither you, so it's only fair
Now I can't understand your parent involvement at this point. They know you have premarital sex. You are autonomous. What's the point in deciding your belt?
Currently, you should wear it only if you want and in any case, it's a thing between you and your. You should not allow them control over you
State clearly that it's an abuse and you will not tolerate this.
To be mean, if they talk about marrying and having kids, you may just say that if they don't stop bothering you, they will never be able to see their nephews or grandchildren. After all, you don't want your children to be in chastity like you, right?
EDIT: i had an idea about your parents, maybe you want to check if they fall in this categoria
Narcissistic parents
Also, always remember that to be free is your right, not a priviledge