I've been seriously considering getting cut, precisely because the foreskin makes chastity more difficult for me. I wonder/worry about losing sensitivity however. There'd be pros and cons to this for me if this fact were true. On the one hand, the fact that I am in chastity doesn't mean that I don't enjoy sexual sensation (I just can't do anything about it), and on the other hand I think the foreskin makes the belt less secure as it provides stimulation (lots of nerve endings in foreskin) even when the penis is supposed to be in a steel tube.

Thankfully my foreskin is not too tight because it had to be rolled back when using cage type devices or devices secured by my PA. In full belts with a tube I find that the foreskin can suffer from oedema when fluid gets stuck in there due to the bend in the tube. This usually resolves itself and isn't painful, quite the opposite in fact.

A foreskin complicates hygiene no end, folds of skin inaccessible to fingers or sometimes even soapy water are not good.

In summary: Foreskin=nerve endings!! Nerve-endings=fun!!! Circumcision = loss of those nerve endings!!

However, practically, and in terms of chastity, yeah cut works best. So, I'd say for games: No but consider a PA, for serious long term chastity, where chastity is part of your identity, then yeah.

    My man is circumcised. No issues here. Looks pretty sexy locked away in it's cage. :-)

    • Jen replied to this.
    • Kaja likes this.

      I think that uncut penis is more sexy and nice (and better for both partner).

      But if he put his chastity cage on the foreskin is move back (his glans in bare like cut one) and aggregate at the root.

      Kaja I am not circumcised - in Poland, as in the Czech Republic, this is an extremely rarely performed procedure. In some models of metal cages that I wear, the foreskin goes between the bars of the cage and it can be painful/unpleasant at times. I don't see any problems with hygiene.

      Jonas In summary: Foreskin=nerve endings!! Nerve-endings=fun!!! Circumcision = loss of those nerve endings!!

      How can you consider that??????

      Sin is he from here thought it didn't happen here

        Jen How can you consider that??????

        I know, I know. Spent my whole life being totally against circumcision and the above was supposed to be a clear warning, especially to people considering it simply for the look.

        I'm still dead against circumcision in general, but for me personally, my view has changed as chastity has slowly become part of my identity. If I am free to modify my body to suit my needs then this is a mod I am seriously considering.

          I believe the males are more sensitive at the tip of the actual penis, not the foreskin. I know you can still experience pain if the foreskin is pinched, but I am not 100% certain there is erotic sensitivity at the foreskin.

            Raziel I am not 100% certain there is erotic sensitivity at the foreskin.

            I'm not a male but my experience is it is using the foreskin to stimulate the tissue under it that causes the erotic stimulation, or using oral techniques not appropriate for description here.

            Jen is he from here thought it didn't happen here

            Yep. Common up to the '90s, not so much anymore. Still available on request.

            Raziel Foreskin packed with nerve endings, whether these hook up to erotic feelings directly I guess depends on individual. Glans itself may indeed be more sensitive but that sensitivity is maintained by the protection of the foreskin which also serves as handy lubricated sheath for anytime anywhere lube-free masturbation. Circumcision is not however, I understand, the preferred way of medically treating male over-sensitivity which involves actually severing nerves.

            In all cases, the point I was trying to make was simply that circumcision isn't simply about the look of the penis, it is a body modification with potentially serious consequences.

            Two of my friends are cut and both swear they have very little feeling during sex or masturbation (and hate it). Just something to think about. And as a another of my friends who restores automobiles is fond of saying: "It's only original once".

              Kai little feeling during sex or masturbation (and hate it).

              Am so sorry to hear it. 😞

              I am an older gentleman and usually do not comment much on the forum because age wise I am in another world than most of you but I have considerable experience in this area. The need for a device in the first place, I bleme on being uncut. I am supersensitive when that foreskin slides back and that causes me to want to masturbate frequently which is bad for any sex life I have. So I keep it caged to avoid the temptation. There is a problem with keeping clean that is made even more difficult by me not having a regular partner. I depend on a friend to be my keyholder and they have to unlock me every three or four days so I can clean properly. We tried to go a week but generally think that is too long.

              I had thought the CellMate was the solution since it has a built in timer I could set but it has a bypass for the timer so I still need a key holder.

                bdsamm The need for a device in the first place, I bleme on being uncut. I am supersensitive when that foreskin slides back and that causes me to want to masturbate frequently which is bad for any sex life I have.

                Sorry to hear it. This sounds very similar to my experience if I'm honest.

                Kaja So I had to check in at I'm cut and don't wear one - Well, I do wear one but I don't know how it is to wear one while being uncut.
                I have often heard that it's more difficult when being uncut, but I have no personal preferences in that.
                What I can confirm is that you are less sensitive when being cut. That makes it harder for you to actually have an orgasm or feel some sensive contact. It sort of takes away the sensitivity from you in some way.
                When being locked for a really long time you do become more sentive again, but that's only a very temporary effect.


                  may i ask why you are circumcised? is it for medical reasons? in germany it is not so common, many men i know are not circumcised.

                    Angelina Yeah, for medical reasons. I have made an extreamly painful ecperience habing undergone that operation


                      I am sorry to hear that, it was similar with a friend of mine.

                      • Max9 replied to this.

                        Angelina well, it might be less painful with cosmetic surgeries as they only cut away a normal part of the foreskin.


                          In the case of my friend, the foreskin was too tight and therefore stuck together and had to be removed.