Foreskin and chastity
Raziel Foreskin packed with nerve endings, whether these hook up to erotic feelings directly I guess depends on individual. Glans itself may indeed be more sensitive but that sensitivity is maintained by the protection of the foreskin which also serves as handy lubricated sheath for anytime anywhere lube-free masturbation. Circumcision is not however, I understand, the preferred way of medically treating male over-sensitivity which involves actually severing nerves.
In all cases, the point I was trying to make was simply that circumcision isn't simply about the look of the penis, it is a body modification with potentially serious consequences.
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I am an older gentleman and usually do not comment much on the forum because age wise I am in another world than most of you but I have considerable experience in this area. The need for a device in the first place, I bleme on being uncut. I am supersensitive when that foreskin slides back and that causes me to want to masturbate frequently which is bad for any sex life I have. So I keep it caged to avoid the temptation. There is a problem with keeping clean that is made even more difficult by me not having a regular partner. I depend on a friend to be my keyholder and they have to unlock me every three or four days so I can clean properly. We tried to go a week but generally think that is too long.
I had thought the CellMate was the solution since it has a built in timer I could set but it has a bypass for the timer so I still need a key holder.
Kaja So I had to check in at I'm cut and don't wear one - Well, I do wear one but I don't know how it is to wear one while being uncut.
I have often heard that it's more difficult when being uncut, but I have no personal preferences in that.
What I can confirm is that you are less sensitive when being cut. That makes it harder for you to actually have an orgasm or feel some sensive contact. It sort of takes away the sensitivity from you in some way.
When being locked for a really long time you do become more sentive again, but that's only a very temporary effect.
If I were younger, I would have the foreskin removed to improve cleanliness while locked in chastity. Depending on the device, I have to be released every 3 to 5 days to clean nder the foreskin. A real nusinance, especially for the keyholder. It also makes it too easy to masturbate, which I want to avoid,
As a side note, if I were younger, I would get a Prince Albert piercing to allow me to wear a chastity device that is secured by the piercing such as "Lorie's Tubes". Very comfortable, easy to keep clean, and very secure.
Just encouraging young men to do the things I wish I would have done.
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Angelina Same. It was also growing inside the urethra.
After having removed it, the only disadvantage I have today is that I can't really feel the senitives touchness the way others do abd that it hurts and the scars become sore after habing masturbated - no matter what kind of lube I use or how soft I do it.
Therefore I have an easy time being locked in cages and belts in that point, as being caged while having a foreskin is pretty difficult and can cause some issues.
Maybe it's the way I'm told that I belong in a belt.
Again, I don't want to scare anyone, it's just the way I experienced it and this is a special case.
Edit: From what I've heard the soreness after
masturbation is nut unusual, but also not very common. It might also depend on how tight you have been circumised, as I've heard. But what is normal and always the case is the loss of sensitivity
Edit2: Explanation why foreskin and cages can cause some issues: The foreskin can be pulöed backwards and foreward over the rose end. Sometimes, when moving around it can slide over the rose part and find its way through the urination gap of the cage. Becoming erected now makes the penis press the foresik against the edge of the cage. Having a tightly fitted cage maked it difficulr to pull back the foreskin.
With a belt that shouldn't be a case as I imagine, because there's not an urination gap needed as you can fit a small uriation tube / hole there.
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bdsamm Just encouraging young men to do the things I wish I would have done.
This question always bugs me. If I could go back in time and lay down the law, then yeah, I'd fit a belt onto my 20s self. And getting my PA was a good choice too. But would I get a circumcision? I dunno. Maybe I needed the experience of years to come to make such a radical choice?