Ines Kneel and with your back straight incline towards rear, maintain your back straight and incline until you can support with your arms.
If your bands are high, standing over a foot, hold the another foot in your back. Important keep your knees together.
Lay in the ground. Just push farther possible your feet and your arms.
If the chain from your belt to the band is long enough, kneel and bend your torso to the sides. You will feel relief in your hips.
your advices are already some time ago, but it came back in my mind and I just tried what you described. I see, that it stretches in the hip area and it may help occasionally. But it is rather something against tensions.
In my case i guess it is sitting comfort rather than tensions. It is the limited number of possible sitting positions. It bothers me when sitting. Crossing legs is anyway impossible. At home, I just love to sit with spread legs, sometimes combined with one foot or both feet on the chair. Just relaxed sitting. But that is impossible.
Today, it was again one of the days where i was locked into thigh bands earlier in the evening, which forced me to use the stairs several times shackled (normally, i can avoid it). Chain length is exactly measured to a step on the stairs, but actually it is barely not enough to walk the stairs normally. Bothering! And I have to be careful on the stairs.
Possibly, I should start another discussion about chain length with my mom. Especially for the waist style cb thigh bands.