Hey everyone, I'm Lilly (soon to be 18), and I have been in a chastity belt for about a year now. My father has wanted me to be in the belt and for the most part I have gone along with it, because it has not affected me much. However recently he took the keys away from me as a punishment, and he is not planning on giving them back to me. Is there anything I can do?

    Laura I use the vpn on opera, so that might be it, I'll change it if that helps?

      BeltedLilly Wher are you located? Depended pof the country you are live you have different Options.

        Laura idk about Lilly but (person) can back me up? I might clear my cookies though just to make sure no funky stuff is happening on my computer. I might have done some dumb internet stuff earlier so that might be connected to whatever this is


          But Laura is saying that she uses 2 accounts, not that she does not wear a belt.
          I think that they are 2 separate topics.