Max9 No, I do not have thigh-bands and now I need to delete my internet history Xp
Joh Hello Joh. My mother has the key.
Laura I do not think it is very common. But my parents did say that they got the idea from someone else, there is probably someone else in the community who wears one.
Kaja I am a virgin, so no. Frustration is usually not a problem.
Angelina Hello Angelina. My mother has the key. I decided to learn to wear the belt after discussions with my parents. My mom talked about things like sex and our bodies because I was getting older, it was a little awkward but I was already aware of these things. We talked about the importance of virtue for marrgine and how this can be lost carlessly through our own actions or by being attacked. She suggested the chastity belt as solution, but she also said I had to agree or it would be too hard. I thought about it for a month and we had a few more discussions.
Renita Hello Retina. I have no idea if they thought about this and I do not see much point. When I need access for cleaning I take off the belt.