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Daniel Well, since everyone agrees I need a keyholder I guess I am open to trustworthy canditates and suggestions.
The most important thing is you can trust him/her.
Jonas Maybe use your message to start off a new discussion?
It's a good idea,yes.
Angelina only someone you know personally and trust should have the keys.
I agree.
Angelina Is that Latin , never heard of it ?
Same for me.And google don't know how to translate it well from latin to french.
It seems the rules are going to be stricter for her daughter.
Angelina these cages sometimes look like torture devices
I think it is important to be careful.
Presently my twin think it is!
Hello guys! I'm Jenny (I'm actually a male). I'm 18 years old and just discovered this nice and cute community here. I've been through chastity journey for over a year now and currently lock myself in a full belt. I want to have a nice discussions about chastity belt here and hopefully get supports from everyone on this site .
I've been fantasizing about chastity belt since I was really young. At that time I didn't even know the thing called CB, but I thought of some kind of panties that you can't take it off without a key (Weird right?). After that, I discovered CB and bought one for myself with my pocket money. The feeling when I wore CB for the first time was like when a little girl got their princess dress. I totally in love with CB. Also I kinda addicted to masturbation too, so I used CB to control my masturbation frequency.
Hello to everyone again!
Jenny Welcome Jenny. Which belt do you wear?
Verrouille Which belt do you wear?
I would be surprised if it was not a Tollyboy
Verrouille It's a chinese cable belt.
Jenny You need to save money until you can order a real belt made on your measures.