Tenn__Man Thank you for your experience! While wearing thigh bands, what's your max step size toe to toe? And how tall are you? I've been trying to determine whether there's a humane/reasonable degree of restriction that's sustainable.
Tenn__Man replying here - and more comments above. Wasn't real bands. Step size was smaller but not really a problem - like after an hour I was starting to get used to it. Trying to take bigger steps felt bad for my knees, but letting the bands pull tight each step was ok. I got surprised stepping back when opening the fridge - actually any kind of turning or twisting was awkward - like walking around things had to be like following a path around them not just moving naturally.
Going up steps was more pressure on knees and ankles. You can't get your balance right - like your weight is not properly above the leg you're stepping up with.
I'm completely convinced it would stuff up my joints or muscles if worn lots - like overnight could be ok - didn't feel bad on back or side. But not for daytime.