Joh is that only after injury or will it help prevent injury as well?

  • Joh replied to this.

    BD1791 It will help your skin to recover. It will help to prevent it? I don't know. Test is and tell us.

    At another forum I found this information:
    I've had luck with aveno lotion rubbed under the waistband daily, then vasoline applied on the inside of the thighs where the edge of the belt rubs, that has to be reapplied more like 2x a day.
    I also found it's key to put whatever you're using on right from the beginning, and not wait until the chafing is becoming an issue, because it's a lot easier to stop it from happening in the first place, then fix it after you rub the skin down while still wearing the belt.

    One problem if you use solid coconut oil is summer weather causes it to melt.. Even in a car with the AC on.... I switched to Shea Butter, with some Coconut Oil and Almond Oil. After mixing (DM me for the directions) it does not melt until over 100 F.

      Joh this is very helpful! Thank you. I wonder if I could use aquaphor. I'll do some experimenting and report back.

      • Joh likes this.


      Aloe Vera, sometimes I had issues on the shield where it rubs a bit with the upper inner part of the thigh in some postures.
      A and D vitamins in cream are great for it.

      Joh aveno lotion

      Not useful for me, I have heard good things about it, but not difference with Nivea or similar, same for Urea... Vaseline is useful preventing bruising or even any other cream designed for it, that works the same but is more expensive.


        Not for chastity, but similar in purposes, aloe Vera seems to be most appreciated

        BD1791 so keep doing what I'm doing with the baby oil but also use some cream/ointments? Do you have any recommendations about what I should use?

        I often used zinc ointment or baby cream. Vaseline also helped me

        BD1791 What does the timeline look like for my skin to adjust?

        When I had problems, it usually lasted 2 or 3 days, but my belt was permanently on. I think it heals faster without the belt

          Pjur Bodyglide is the best, but it's expensive. (The original version, not the water based one). Lasts forever though. You only need a tiny amount.

            Angelina so... I just started wearing a camisole and tucking it under the waist part of my belt. It's working really really well so far. Way better than the baby oil was.


              good that it works for you, i would be worried that it would cause too much friction on the skin

                Angelina I was a little worried about that as well but it hasn't. It stays in place really well. It's been such a relief honestly. I'm really comfortable right now.

                9 days later

                You also may find it helpful to start training as if you were new to chastity. Start at an hour or two a day and work your way up to give your body a chance to adapt.

                When I started I either didn't get that advice or I ignored it (I don't remember which! lol). I wore it until it chaffed and stopped until it healed over and over again. Not recommended! lol

                I find baby powder helpful, especially in the heat, but oil or cream may work better for you.

                Good luck!

                I did that. It doesn't matter. The lining sticks to my skin and irritates it. It seems like I'm not alone in this. I've talked to a few people that have had that issue with the lining. I'm looking at getting just a metal belt without any lining. We'll see how that goes.

                  BD1791 MySteel has a CB without any lining. And the owner of one are happy with it.


                    It's strange, it's medical grade silicone, however, change it, at the end you have to do it every certain time.


                      I meet someone that has issue with medical silicon, even if used... elsewhere. Rare but can happens

                      • Sin replied to this.
                      • Kaja likes this.

                        maybe everyone's body is wife hasn't told me about such kind of issues. 😀

                        Ines It's strange, it's medical grade silicone, however, change it, at the end you have to do it every certain time.

                        every skin is different and it may also be an allergic reaction to the material

                        Joh I saw those. Neosteel does to. I'll likely order one soon.

                        Ines I'm not sure if it's medical grade silicone or neoprene. All I know is it sticks to my skin and eventually causes a rash.

                          BD1791 I saw those. Neosteel does to. I'll likely order one soon.
