Skin Issues When Wearing Belt
BD1791 so keep doing what I'm doing with the baby oil but also use some cream/ointments? Do you have any recommendations about what I should use?
I often used zinc ointment or baby cream. Vaseline also helped me
BD1791 What does the timeline look like for my skin to adjust?
When I had problems, it usually lasted 2 or 3 days, but my belt was permanently on. I think it heals faster without the belt
Pjur Bodyglide is the best, but it's expensive. (The original version, not the water based one). Lasts forever though. You only need a tiny amount.
You also may find it helpful to start training as if you were new to chastity. Start at an hour or two a day and work your way up to give your body a chance to adapt.
When I started I either didn't get that advice or I ignored it (I don't remember which! lol). I wore it until it chaffed and stopped until it healed over and over again. Not recommended! lol
I find baby powder helpful, especially in the heat, but oil or cream may work better for you.
Good luck!
I did that. It doesn't matter. The lining sticks to my skin and irritates it. It seems like I'm not alone in this. I've talked to a few people that have had that issue with the lining. I'm looking at getting just a metal belt without any lining. We'll see how that goes.
maybe everyone's body is wife hasn't told me about such kind of issues.
"Monistat complete care" powder gel works well for some. Available at drug stores in the US. Don't know about elsewhere.
BD1791 I'm not sure if it's medical grade silicone or neoprene. All I know is it sticks to my skin and eventually causes a rash.
The smooth silicone liners sometimes cause extra perspiration under the liner and this leads to a heat rash. Talcum or baby powder helps if you can apply it as soon as you start to feel the area get warm or slightly red. When the redness develops, the best thing is to remove the belt until the redness goes away and the try again. Your skin will build up a tolerance to the pressure from the silicone liner.
Ines It is true, but it happens too with the steel. Perspiration and pressure marks are not avoidable at all.
I had neoprene and is far better silicone, it is much smoother.
Yes. It happens with steel, also but I think not as much. I have not tries neoprene for a long, long time. Back then, it was not smooth. I think it must help that neoprene is softer and more cushioned.