Joh It's sad that it has turned out like this, but you have been given clarity. I think that's very important, because in the long term it's not good to be with someone even though you're not really compatible.
Completely agree.
Joh I also see the CB as a great way to achieve your goals. It may help you when you have a weak time. Do you already have an idea of how you want to handle it? For example, do you want to use a time lock?
Let's say I see this as a kind of two-stage process.
First, trying to avoid weak times by doing things like showering in the swimmer's wetdown area where one could not touch oneself without risking discipline. Not drinking which weakens one's resistance, not going to places like bars where boys will approach you, no sexy undies which turns one's thoughts to sex, etc.
Second, keeping the belt handy at times when temptation presents itself, e.g. when showering alone is the only alternative, under the bed when the hands begin to wander at night.
I've not used things like a time lock, so far have managed with putting the belt on, locking it, putting the key in a public place like a flower pot on the mantel piece where my giving in would be obvious to anyone present.
A big plus is I WANT to do this so resisting temptation is easier then for those who are compelled to do it.
Also, as I have no boyfriend now I have no object for my desires to well up upon. How @Ines managed with a long-term boyfriend I can't imagine.