Laura That's why I would never buy a German car 🙂

Then you have never tried to configure a BMW. I heard it almost consists of extras only 🙂

    Sara2001 Of course I prefer to drive a car rather than "configure" it assuming I have everything I need already

      Laura I mean the car configurator on the web page. We used it in school as an example for complex configuration with strong relationships.


      i also think it is illogical what sara's father is doing. the main goal of our parents should be that we accept our situation as good as possible, so they don't have to make it harder than necessary 🙁

      Sara2001 otherwise we would all get out of anything except chastity belt if it is hot

      and that's exactly what I'm doing, your dad needs to think more logically

        Angelina and that's exactly what I'm doing, your dad needs to think more logically

        Really, when will your tightbands and chastity bra be removed? They don't fulfill any purpose except making it more difficult for you. He is making it more difficult for you then necessary. Why do you have to do additional work to do on a regular basis to just get a short chain between your tightbands while they chain doesn't reduce the security of your chastity in any way.

        Angelina they don't have to make it harder than necessary 🙁

        It's not like he doing things harder for us. He just doesn't do anything easier for us because of the chastity equipment. I think this is a very big difference.


          my father is very unsure how far he can go regarding my chastity. he often does not know what is and what is not for safety, which does not always make it easy 🙁

          additional work in the household is part of becoming an adult woman and i have to say that i have reached a certain maturity for my age. also i do a lot of this additional work in his office, which is good for me, because i want to work in this profession later

          but it's about something else maybe i expressed myself badly. the biggest wish of my father is that i can accept my situation as good as possible and therefore he does everything to make this possible and in this point your father thinks illogically in my opinion

          I don't understand why he doesn't want to make it easier for you, because then you would accept it better 😉


            I don't agree much.

            It is expensive,yes.But if they can afford to buy metal devices(which are pretty expensive)for preventing us to access some parts of our body and restrict our freedom(especially sexually,but not only),I think they could afford for something who would help everyone in the family when it is hot.

            I think,too,it would be easier to be motivated to reach the standards if she notices the male leader take care to make it easier for her to reach.

            For your example,it can be my case.Depending on my parents' decision about it,I can easily have only my chastity belt on when it is hot...And closing it only when she can pleasure herself is not a matter of comfort,but it would mean a lot of closing/unclosing,not easy to manage.


            If I would have a lot of money,I would not be against using a Tesla car,which drives automatically as long as we have at least one hand on the steering wheel!😉

            Angelina i also think it is illogical what sara's father is doing. the main goal of our parents should be that we accept our situation as good as possible, so they don't have to make it harder than necessary 🙁

            I agree.And add they should make it easier,if it is possible.

            Sara2001 Really, when will your tightbands and chastity bra be removed? They don't fulfill any purpose except making it more difficult for you. He is making it more difficult for you then necessary. Why do you have to do additional work to do on a regular basis to just get a short chain between your tightbands while they chain doesn't reduce the security of your chastity in any way.

            The thigh bands make the belt more secure(harder to introduce anything under the shield,reducing the risk we can feel some stimulation).The chastity bra prevents to have the breasts stimulated.Not only related to comfort.

            Angelina additional work in the household is part of becoming an adult woman and i have to say that i have reached a certain maturity for my age. also i do a lot of this additional work in his office, which is good for me, because i want to work in this profession later

            I agree,it is useful to prepare us to live on our own later.

            Angelina I don't understand why he doesn't want to make it easier for you, because then you would accept it better 😉

            Which is different is @Sara2001 is "less reluctant" than us.Even if I guess she would prefer to not have to wear it,she accepts it pretty well and is ready to have it on,even after married.So,no needs to make her accept it easier,I think.

              Vanessa If I would have a lot of money,I would not be against using a Tesla car,which drives automatically as long as we have at least one hand on the steering wheel!

              I'm thinking about it 😛


                I guess a driver's licence is still necessary,however,to be able to control the car if there is a bug.

                  Vanessa I think they could afford for something who would help everyone in the family when it is hot.

                  Yes, I exactly know what you want to say and I would love to have it this way, but sadly that's not how my father is thinking. He thinks that woman should accept that they are much more limited then man and that making the discomfort as small as possible is a sign of remorse. The man must do everything that it is possible to wear the chastity equipment save and hygienic. He must take care that it is bearable. For example I think we will get holes in our chastity bra's, too. But from his point of view it is not necessary to make it as comfortable as possible. Especially when it takes effort for him, like opening us every day for a shower. It's right that we feel better after the shower but nobody from us ever had serious problems from only having an unbelted shower just once a week. Belted shower takes just more effort for us.

                  Vanessa I think,too,it would be easier to be motivated to reach the standards if she notices the male leader take care to make it easier for her to reach.

                  My father don't think motivation is needed because we have no choice anyway. For "motivation" he uses rules and severe punishments 🙁

                  Vanessa The thigh bands make the belt more secure(harder to introduce anything under the shield,reducing the risk we can feel some stimulation).The chastity bra prevents to have the breasts stimulated.Not only related to comfort.

                  Her father has the time to pick her up from school and to bring her to school, removing bra and tightbands is less time consuming and she never is alone long enough during the day. If she is not able to orgasm from breast stimulation, what is his goal beside additional restrictions? Same for the tightbands, I was never able to reach an orgasm when I was in the belt. No matter if I had tightbands or not.

                  Vanessa I agree,it is useful to prepare us to live on our own later.

                  Having some task is definitely useful but additional tasks to reduce the security of your equipment from ultra save to very very save? You have to work for a very small amount of comfort, while he doesn't give up security in a relevant amount. If he would care for your comfort you had the longest possible chain that prevents putting something under your belt.

                  Vanessa Which is different is @Sara2001 is "less reluctant" than us

                  I think because I never lived any other way.

                  Vanessa Even if I guess she would prefer to not have to wear it,she accepts it pretty well and is ready to have it on,even after married

                  For me it feels completely different after marriage. Wearing it after marriage feels like a gift for me, from me to Daniel. Wearing it now feels forced.and I feel suppressed.

                  Vanessa I guess a driver's licence is still necessary,however,to be able to control the car if there is a bug.

                  I think I will never be allowed to make a drivers license and even when cars can drive completely autonome, I will most probably not be allowed to use them for anything without permission.


                    oh man

                    so first of all the bra and the tighbands have something to do with security, my father doesn't want me to be sexually stimulated in any way 🙁

                    this is hard and exhausting for me but I think you are connecting 2 completely different things with each other. I will not spread this discussion further because I have already presented my point of view here often and in different discussions. my father raises me to a responsible wife, while your father raises you to a submissive wife, I do not mean evil but this is just my honest opinion.

                    I have one request to you. if you want to tell me something, then please mark me directly and do not talk indirectly with others, I find that a little unfriendly because I prefer to discuss directly

                    Since I don't think we're making much progress here, I'd like to stay out of the discussion.

                      Vanessa I guess a driver's licence is still necessary

                      Of course. But I have both money and driver license 🙂

                        Sara2001 Yes, I exactly know what you want to say and I would love to have it this way, but sadly that's not how my father is thinking. He thinks that woman should accept that they are much more limited then man and that making the discomfort as small as possible is a sign of remorse. The man must do everything that it is possible to wear the chastity equipment save and hygienic. He must take care that it is bearable. For example I think we will get holes in our chastity bra's, too. But from his point of view it is not necessary to make it as comfortable as possible. Especially when it takes effort for him, like opening us every day for a shower. It's right that we feel better after the shower but nobody from us ever had serious problems from only having an unbelted shower just once a week. Belted shower takes just more effort for us.

                        I think it is a very complex and unusual way to think(especially the part about making it easier for you being considered as a sign of remorse...),and not very good for you.Do your boyfriend think the same,or will he take more care to make it easier for you?

                        Sara2001 My father don't think motivation is needed because we have no choice anyway. For "motivation" he uses rules and severe punishments 🙁

                        Not wrong,but I still think if it is easier,the wearer may be more cooperative and it would be better for both.And it would make the forced belting a bit less worse...

                        Sara2001 Her father has the time to pick her up from school and to bring her to school, removing bra and tightbands is less time consuming and she never is alone long enough during the day. If she is not able to orgasm from breast stimulation, what is his goal beside additional restrictions? Same for the tightbands, I was never able to reach an orgasm when I was in the belt. No matter if I had tightbands or not.

                        I don't say it is very useful(but it should be in a family where her parents can bring and pick her up to/from school,she should not be able to orgasm by stimulating her breasts,not doing it secretly at night or when going out...A lot of conditions!),but these have a reason related to chastity,it is not only used to make it harder.

                        I was never able to orgasm with my chastity belt on too,but thigh bands prevent to be stimulated too(even without reaching orgasm and being more frustrated).

                        Sara2001 Having some task is definitely useful but additional tasks to reduce the security of your equipment from ultra save to very very save? You have to work for a very small amount of comfort, while he doesn't give up security in a relevant amount. If he would care for your comfort you had the longest possible chain that prevents putting something under your belt.

                        It could help to understand there is cost to privileges,even if I'm not sure I would agree with it.But,for @Angelina's case,the additionnal tasks quickly become different ones,more pleasant and useful for her,so not that bad.

                        Sara2001 I think because I never lived any other way.

                        Yes,it probably play,at least,a part on it.

                        Sara2001 For me it feels completely different after marriage. Wearing it after marriage feels like a gift for me, from me to Daniel. Wearing it now feels forced.and I feel suppressed.

                        I can understand it.I think too the feelings can be very different when doing it after marriage instead of because of parents' decison.

                        Sara2001 I think I will never be allowed to make a drivers license and even when cars can drive completely autonome, I will most probably not be allowed to use them for anything without permission.

                        Even your boyfriend wouldn't accept you to drive?It is very old-fashioned and restrictive...I hope there isn't too many rules like this one...

                        Angelina so first of all the bra and the tighbands have something to do with security, my father doesn't want me to be sexually stimulated in any way 🙁

                        I agree.It is very related to chastity,and to prevent stimulation(and,unhappily,these do their jobs very well...).


                        If you decide to buy one,please tell us your opinion(for example,in the "just chatting" thread),it would be interesting.

                          Angelina I have one request to you. if you want to tell me something, then please mark me directly and do not talk indirectly with others, I find that a little unfriendly because I prefer to discuss directly

                          Oh, sorry, that was not my intention. I often just quote the last comment to the thread, because I know you and others will read it anyway.

                          I think you may don't see that your father raises you in a way that you have submit to him in a drastic way. Especially that you have to work for several hours a day to get a longer chain between your tightbands shows this very clear. If he would see security issues, why offers he a longer chain in exchange to additional work? This has nothing to do with becoming responsible. But I see that we have different opinions about this point, so it most probably doesn't make sense to change the same arguments again and again. 🙂

                          Vanessa Do your boyfriend think the same,or will he take more care to make it easier for you?

                          He is definitely more open about making some things easier but definitely not as easy as possible, but I would never expect this.

                          Vanessa I can understand it.I think too the feelings can be very different when doing it after marriage instead of because of parents' decison.

                          Forcing me against my will, will definitely lead to a "no" during wedding🙂

                          Vanessa Even your boyfriend wouldn't accept you to drive?It is very old-fashioned and restrictive...I hope there isn't too many rules like this one...

                          Yes, he doesn't want me to make a drivers license or to leave the house without his knowledge. I will have very similar conditions like my mother has now. No leaving without permission, no spending money without permission, not ordering by myself in a restaurant, things like that. I can accept this because I know he takes good care of me and is making sure that I get what I need to be happy. I think he will almost never deny the permission.

                            Sara2001 Oh, sorry, that was not my intention. I often just quote the last comment to the thread, because I know you and others will read it anyway.

                            I think you may don't see that your father raises you in a way that you have submit to him in a drastic way. Especially that you have to work for several hours a day to get a longer chain between your tightbands shows this very clear. If he would see security issues, why offers he a longer chain in exchange to additional work? This has nothing to do with becoming responsible. But I see that we have different opinions about this point, so it most probably doesn't make sense to change the same arguments again and again. 🙂

                            I disagree with you on all points but I'm not angry with you anymore 🙂

                            Sara2001 Yes, he doesn't want me to make a drivers license or to leave the house without his knowledge. I will have very similar conditions like my mother has now. No leaving without permission, no spending money without permission, not ordering by myself in a restaurant, things like that. I can accept this because I know he takes good care of me and is making sure that I get what I need to be happy. I think he will almost never deny the permission.

                            these are very hard conditions, i don't think i would accept it but it is your relationship and you must be happy with it

                            it could also be an advantage for daniel if you get a driver's license. for example he could drink alcohol when you go out together 😉

                              Sara2001 He is definitely more open about making some things easier but definitely not as easy as possible, but I would never expect this.

                              I hope he would accept way more things,however,even if it seems he'll be pretty strict about it,too...

                              Sara2001 Forcing me against my will, will definitely lead to a "no" during wedding🙂

                              It's wise.

                              Sara2001 Yes, he doesn't want me to make a drivers license or to leave the house without his knowledge. I will have very similar conditions like my mother has now. No leaving without permission, no spending money without permission, not ordering by myself in a restaurant, things like that. I can accept this because I know he takes good care of me and is making sure that I get what I need to be happy. I think he will almost never deny the permission.

                              I think it is very limiting...A bit too much in the modern world,even in a man led relationship,in my opinion.

                              About not denying the permission,it reminds me something I had to do when younger.When I ate,with my parents,with family or family's friends,my parents often told me,if I wanted to leave the table,I must ask them and they would almost always allow me.It was not very useful,so,but it was more polite and well mannered.They always kept their promise,but,if I left the table without asking,I was severely spanked and grounded a few days as soon as we came home,so I mainly accepted it(same rule,and punishment,for my twin).If I understood it and accepted it at this time,I think the fact your boyfriend use the same way,for different parts of your life,a bit unusual.As if he should not consider you as mature enough to take such decision.

                              About the restaurant,would he "only" order it for you,or would he decide what you would have to eat?

                              Angelina these are very hard conditions, i don't think i would accept it but it is your relationship and you must be happy with it

                              I agree.Even if I had troubles to understand it.

                              Angelina it could also be an advantage for daniel if you get a driver's license. for example he could drink alcohol when you go out together 😉

                              Right point!😉

                                Vanessa .As if he should not consider you as mature enough to take such decision.

                                this is exactly what my father gives as a reason why a married woman should not wear a cb

                                Vanessa About not denying the permission,it reminds me something I had to do when younger.When I ate,with my parents,with family or family's friends,my parents often told me,if I wanted to leave the table,I must ask them and they would almost always allow me.It was not very useful,so,but it was more polite and well mannered.They always kept their promise,but,if I left the table without asking,I was severely spanked and grounded a few days as soon as we came home,so I mainly accepted it(same rule,and punishment,for my twin).

                                a hard rule but understandable. this rule promotes good behavior, even if it is difficult I would support the rule, but not the punishments

                                Vanessa About the restaurant,would he "only" order it for you,or would he decide what you would have to eat?

                                I wonder that too, if he only ordered for her it is ok, if he decides what she may eat it is absolutely not ok

                                  Vanessa hope he would accept way more things,however,even if it seems he'll be pretty strict about it,too...

                                  I can accept strict leadership as long as it is out of love. I don't need independence when I feel protected and that he cares for me.

                                  Vanessa I think it is very limiting...A bit too much in the modern world,even in a man led relationship,in my opinion.

                                  I think it's very common in this kind of relationship.

                                  Vanessa I think the fact your boyfriend use the same way,for different parts of your life,a bit unusual.As if he should not consider you as mature enough to take such decision.

                                  Yes, basically that's true but it has nothing to do with maturity. It doesn't matter if I would be able to decide all this on my own. He likes it to be in charge of these points and I happily accept it if it makes him happy and if he denies it only for good reasons.

                                  Vanessa About the restaurant,would he "only" order it for you,or would he decide what you would have to eat?

                                  I suggest what I like, he could order whatever he sees fit, but he always ordered what I wanted.

                                    Sara2001 Having some task is definitely useful but additional tasks to reduce the security of your equipment from ultra save to very very save?

                                    Here I disagree, once more 😆. I think that improving in situation has to be giving more freedom to the girl, allowing us make more things, be more comfortable, trusting in us.
                                    I think security is out of the equation. If I some day have a daughter who wishes wear a belt, we could talk about everything, but precisely, the point of wear a belt, is maintain us secure. The most, the better.
                                    And I again disagree in the way of treat girls, I think we should be treated as princess of the house, and anything our jeyholders can do to make us feel better, they should do it.
                                    I respect your opinions, but far away of mine.


                                      very poetically said 😉

                                      and except for the part in the middle with the more security the better, i agree with you. i don't feel further restricted by the additional tasks. on the contrary, working with my father in the office is a lot of fun and i learn a lot for my later professional life 😃

                                      even if it doesn't fit the topic i have a short question : how did your school exams go ?