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I don't agree much.
It is expensive,yes.But if they can afford to buy metal devices(which are pretty expensive)for preventing us to access some parts of our body and restrict our freedom(especially sexually,but not only),I think they could afford for something who would help everyone in the family when it is hot.
I think,too,it would be easier to be motivated to reach the standards if she notices the male leader take care to make it easier for her to reach.
For your example,it can be my case.Depending on my parents' decision about it,I can easily have only my chastity belt on when it is hot...And closing it only when she can pleasure herself is not a matter of comfort,but it would mean a lot of closing/unclosing,not easy to manage.
If I would have a lot of money,I would not be against using a Tesla car,which drives automatically as long as we have at least one hand on the steering wheel!
Angelina i also think it is illogical what sara's father is doing. the main goal of our parents should be that we accept our situation as good as possible, so they don't have to make it harder than necessary
I agree.And add they should make it easier,if it is possible.
Sara2001 Really, when will your tightbands and chastity bra be removed? They don't fulfill any purpose except making it more difficult for you. He is making it more difficult for you then necessary. Why do you have to do additional work to do on a regular basis to just get a short chain between your tightbands while they chain doesn't reduce the security of your chastity in any way.
The thigh bands make the belt more secure(harder to introduce anything under the shield,reducing the risk we can feel some stimulation).The chastity bra prevents to have the breasts stimulated.Not only related to comfort.
Angelina additional work in the household is part of becoming an adult woman and i have to say that i have reached a certain maturity for my age. also i do a lot of this additional work in his office, which is good for me, because i want to work in this profession later
I agree,it is useful to prepare us to live on our own later.
Angelina I don't understand why he doesn't want to make it easier for you, because then you would accept it better
Which is different is @Sara2001 is "less reluctant" than us.Even if I guess she would prefer to not have to wear it,she accepts it pretty well and is ready to have it on,even after married.So,no needs to make her accept it easier,I think.