As long as she accepts/asks at first,I think it is a good system.It works as a chastity belt is intended to,but it is not forced,and can't be used as a game,it keeps the seriousness of it.
Sure,but,at least,you could date more easily and enjoyed your sexuality before.
If she would change her mind after some time,and you would never accept it,even if it means staying belted against her will for years,it is very close to be forced wearing(and I think she would feel like this and maybe have anger and resentment)...
Why not,if you want a more strict system,not put in a minimum time for wearing it,and maybe some time to be unlocked after she asks for it,to make her think more about it(like if she keeps wanting it taken off for one or two weeks before you do it)?It would be stricter than mine,but not forced wearing.