Sara2001 For me, that would count as forced wearing. She must be possible to change her mind and get out of the belt, at least after some thinking time.
I agree.
Sara2001 think maybe you could do a systems where changes will only take place two times a year and have to be requested 3 month earlier. Let's say it's first of January and July, she had to ask in April to get in our out of the belt on July. So it's more strict in both directions and she can't change her situation to quickly.
Not very often,but she should understand it is not a decision she could make without thinking well about it,so not bad.
Better this way.But she could know in advance she would be able to change it on her birthday,to let her think about it enough.
Sara2001 I think it is also important that a mind change doesn't have an immediate effect but you should wait a few weeks until it takes effect.
Right,it is better this way too,I think.
Sure,but if she would ask for it very soon before her birthday,she should have to wait a few more days after,to be very sure of it.
A year without orgasms is hard,you know it...