Angelina i also think it is possible to mastubate without the secondary shield (unpleasant but possible), so i must never be without it. because mastubating was the trigger for my chastity
You agree you should not masturbate?Or do you fear that,without the secondary shield,you'll do it again,and be more punished?
Laura More possibilities" in relationships is different, if a girl is involved in it, it's little better than she doesn't wear a belt at all. So she should always have the secondary shield on for a relationship.
I think too that Emilie and me could have more possibilities without it on,yes.
Renita You also need a secondary shield
I'm not sure I "need" it,but I've one.
Tere And of course that man who encourages us, cares for us and loves us, from my point of view, deserves the same respect that we married women profess to our husband.
Do you think that masturbation is disrespectful?
In my opinion,it is pretty natural to do it,even more if we don't think to someone else than our partner.Knowing how our body reacts can ever makes intimacy with him/her even better for both of us(even more for bi or lesbian women,the more they know how's their body work and react,the more they can use their knowledge to give peasure to their girlfriends).
Ines And for me a chastity belt without a secondary shield is a nonsense. A belt whitout it just protect our hymen, and I want my belt protect me all, my love and my capability to give me up to my man.
Why masturbation could impact you capability to give you to your man?