
Yes...I'm not sure if it is an advantage or not,however...It could help us avoid people wanting to date us only for our "physical advantages",but make dating,in general,more difficult.Except for some cases,like meeting someone on the net(like meetic or similar),the first thing which could make someone attractive is the look and the "physical appeal",even if,after the first contact,we would like the personality,the sense of humor,etc...And a chastity bra reduces the physical appeal.

    Vanessa It could help us avoid people wanting to date us only for our "physical advantages"

    It was joke. However chastity belt alone doesn't hide your beauties.


      First of all, of course, you're right about everything.

      but do you remember our topic if we make jokes about our cb ? such statements you have to understand with humor. I noticed at least immediately that it was a joke by @Renita 😉

        Angelina ut do you remember our topic if we make jokes about our cb ? such statements you have to understand with humor. I noticed at least immediately that it was a joke by @Renita

        Yes,I may have reacted a bit too seriously...

        Christine Then I'm the best.



          hahaha i was just thinking of a german song called mamorstein und eisen bricht

          a very old song, but if you replace the word love with cb it is very funny 😂


            I looked after it and translated it with Google,and,even if the translation wasn't perfect,I agree,it would be pretty fun,and pretty right!


              i admit the translation is sometimes difficult, although it would be interesting to hear a french version 😂


                this is what i meant by replacing the word love with cb and then in french 🤣

                23 days later

                Laura That's kind of market in my opinion. You have bids, asks and matches

                Then I've been in partial fill quite often... 😁

                  Megan Then I've been in partial fill quite often...

                  Of display size of the iceberg 😂

                  Megan aren't you getting married soon I thought I saw you saw in 2020 you were planning on it. I don't remember if you were the girl who got a car for being in the belt or if you were the one from rural america but is your fiance Rich or well off?

                    6 days later

                    Natescage He does alright. We are not moving to New York because of crime and just un-livability. That is part of the waiting there aren't any real concrete plans and everyone myself included is physically comfortable without routine...

                    Natescage I don't remember if you were the girl

                    That is understandable I forget exact details except for my friends or people I have spoken in the phone to.
                    I am the one whose fiance puts a lot of effort into pleasing regardless of my attire 😅
                    I am also trying to relax my hymen in shower breaks, I was never surgically opened I don't even know who does that.

                    I will say just like everyone should be aware of their appearance when they are being undressed I don't display or open my backside as that would be noticeable, I am not torn up as the bf is super gentle. I only mention this because a lot of the girls seem to think they are invisible and no one will notice their state. (sorry @Christine but a lot of people like you make the mistake of thinking they are invisible)

                      Megan We are not moving to New York because of crime and just un-livability.

                      Only newyorkers (@Laura ?) can live in New York 😃

                      Megan I only mention this because a lot of the girls seem to think they are invisible and no one will notice their state

                      Usually no one around pays attention.

                      Megan that's good about new York I guess there are a lot of political crazys there. By you keep your "backside" closes you mean butt cheeks? How would spreading third break a hymen?

                      Megan sorry @Christine but a lot of people like you make the mistake of thinking they are invisible

                      But what can I do?